Chapter #1: Oceanside Motel

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*Chapter written by Smriti*


As the night drew on slowly, the dark blue sky gradually fading into a pitch black, Cyrus tried his best to focus his attention on the stars, taking solace in their beauty. It's something he had always done when he felt overwhelmed, and that moment was no different. He looked out of the small car window, counting the stars, as if that would ease his state of mind. He had opened the window, the cold night wind against his face both comforting and centring him. If he kept his eyes focused on the sky outside, he could make himself forget everything that had just happened. God knew he needed it at that moment.

"Cyrus, babe. Are you awake?" TJ asked, taking the opportunity of an empty road ahead to look at the other man.

Cyrus gave no indication of having heard him, keeping his arms crossed and eyes trained outside. He shut his eyes forcibly, attempting to block out TJ's voice. He was the one person Cyrus did not want to interact with at the moment.

TJ saw Cyrus' reaction and sighed, running his hand through his hair in exhaustion. He turned back towards the road with a sigh. With one hand on the steering wheel, he pulled out the bag of chips they had got from the vending machine at Palace Motel and held it out to Cyrus.

"Come on, at least eat something."

Still silence. TJ took a deep breath, trying to keep a cool head and said, "Please just take it. I have another packet for myself. We should be reaching in another hour or two, okay?"

Without saying a word, Cyrus reached over and took the chip packet, cringing a bit at the noise it made on opening. With all the panic and adrenaline, he hadn't realised how hungry he actually was. That is, until, the saltiness of the chips melting in his mouth made him have to hold back a sigh of happiness. While he was still absolutely furious with TJ, he appreciated the thought.

TJ just looked at Cyrus, his heart twisting a bit, knowing that he had really screwed up. Cyrus really was mad at him - for very good reason. Back in the motel, TJ hadn't thought about what he was doing until he had done it, until the body had hit the floor. But he steadied his breathing and tried to focus on the road ahead, reassuring himself that he had to do it. He was just protecting them. He didn't have much of a choice. And Cyrus knew that.

He did, right?


For its promising name, you would expect Oceanside Motel to have a view of the sea, maybe even access to a beach. At the very least, you'd expect it to actually be beside an ocean. However, the motel to which TJ and Cyrus arrived was far from that image. The waterbody next to the motel was more like a dirty pond with stagnant, dead water. Any life form would have quit it in days. But it would have to do. It was just a temporary stop, a refuge for the night. It would be just another place the next morning.

"What's our story this time? College students doing a road trip? Backpacking friends? A travelling couple?" asked TJ as the car pulled to a stop before the motel.

"Surprise me. It's something you're good at," Cyrus muttered angrily, not even trying to conceal his feelings.

As Cyrus pulled out one of their many IDs from the bag, TJ grabbed his arm, forcing Cyrus to look at him properly for the first time since they shook off the cops.

"We're gonna have to act as if we can actually stand each other. Do you think you can do that?" TJ asked, his voice gentle, but hints of annoyance were starting to show.

"Oh, don't worry about me," Cyrus said flashing a fake smile at TJ as he pulled his arm away. "I'm a great actor." With that, Cyrus got out of the car, leaving behind TJ who took a deep breath, resting his head on the back of the car seat in growing frustration. He ran his hand through his hair in an effort to compose himself, before opening the car door and catching up with Cyrus, putting his arm around his shoulder.

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