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The blonde lets out a relieved sigh once the last box is placed in the car, ignoring the huff of disappointment coming from his left when he drops the box in the trunk negligently.

Chatter resonates in the house - ahem, mansion -, filling the place with gleeful laughter and friendly banters. Sam, smile as bright as the sun shining down on his delicate face, turns to face his brunet other half, a soft glimmer in his eyes. He can't deny the feeling of nostalgia overcoming him at the thought of what's to come, but that same thought also causes a wave of eagerness to wash over him.

Slightly cold fingers find warmer ones, palm against palm as they intertwine with natural ease.

"So," Sam begins, blue eyes shifting from the house to Colby, "This is it ?"

Colby gives a nod, quietly confirming, "No more Trap House."

A sigh slips past Sam's lips as he scoots closer to his boyfriend and rests his head on the brunet's shoulder, "I'm gonna miss living here."

"So will I, but hey," Colby calls softly, hand reaching up to cup Sam's cheek lightly. A smile makes its way to his plump lips, Sam never wants to see it go, "Look on the bright side, we're gonna live together. Just you, me, and the ten dogs we're gonna adopt in the near future."

Sam chuckles with a shake of his head, teeth sinking into his bottom lip to suppress a stubborn grin, "We'll see about that."

Colby's mouth instantly forms a pout, only to be kissed away by the lips he's deliciously accustomed to. His pout morphs into yet another smile, but before he can add anything, a loud voice comes from the front door, seeming to echo down the road from its volume.

"Sam, Colby, come inside before you start eating each other's face off !"

The pair turns to find Corey, the one and only, standing on the porch, a bright smirk splitting his face. Amusement is clear on his face and wordlessly, he gestures for them to go inside with a tilt of his head. Sam and Colby follow Corey until they're standing in the kitchen, surrounded by the rest of their housemates as well as Elton while they retell their favorite memories of this place, like they have been for the past hour while they filled the cars. Apparently they've moved on to the best pranks that happened in the Trap House, which is a topic Sam and Colby definitely enjoy.

"The ultimate smack cam was definitely the best," Elton says, proud and enthusiastic.

"I don't know about that," Sam says in a playful tone, arm slinging around Colby's shoulders to pull him closer, "I quite enjoyed watching Colby empty his car of packing peanuts only to find dish soap in his completely clean trunk."

"Hey !" Blue eyes narrowing, Colby elbows Sam's side, childish pout making another appearance.

"Or rip his hair out," Elton adds, barking out a laugh when Colby shoots him a death glare.

Needless to say, the glued wig prank has not been his favorite.

The conversation goes on for a little while longer, anecdotes are shared, laughter fills the room. Joy floats in the air like a soft cloud and in the meantime, Kat and Kevin have showed up to see the Trap House one last time as well. After all, just because Sam and Kat broke up doesn't mean they're not friends anymore. They've actually remained pretty close despite their history, however they're well aware that there is now a limit to how close they could get, an invisible barrier that most likely won't ever get torn down. It's a bit saddening, but they've both gotten to the conclusion that it's for the best.

It doesn't stop them from hanging out nevertheless.

After a couple more hours, they collectively decide that it's time to say goodbye to the Trap House. They've contemplated filming it before deciding against it, simply because they want that moment to be between them and only them.

So there they are, standing in the driveway of their now old house, silence dawning on them, a silence full of nostalgia mixed with excitement. It is kind of thrilling to think of this as a new chapter but not a new book. They're still friends, and they're still going to hang out, they're just not living together anymore and while they're sad about it, they're eager to see what the future has in store for each of them.

Corey's the one who initiates the group hug, pulling his friends into their last embrace as housemates. Everyone easily joins in, arms wrap around shoulders, heads lean against one another. Lips stretched into wide smiles, they don't hesitate to hold tightly onto each other for one more moment before pulling away.

Sam and Colby leave the driveway first in Colby's old red Corolla, soon followed by Corey. He's hard to miss when his arm is sticking out the window and he's yelling 'woohoo !' as the line of cars drives out of their neighborhood.

When they separate, however, the sound of Corey's cheering slowly fades, leaving Sam and Colby to relish in the silence, in the quiet music playing from the radio, in the feeling of the other's skin against theirs. Hands laced and resting atop the center console, they drive to their next destination.

To their home.

And the sun, as it sets, tags along while they head towards a new beginning.

The end of an adventure is always the start of another.

• • •

y'all have no idea how actually excited i am to be writing this. i haven't written solby stuff in sooooo long and it feels like coming home lmao. thanks for coming along on this new adventure, hope y'all will enjoy <3

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