ㅤㅤㅤㅤ NINE.

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"Y'all can go home now." Mr. Seo said, making them all pack their stuff.

Yohan looked at Yeonmi, who was struggling on getting her book on the top shelf. She's on her tippy toes but she still can't reach it.

Yohan looked around and didn't see Hyunbin anywhere so he smiled and helped Yeonmi.

He got her book and gave it to her, with a smile. Yeonmi looked up at him and bowed before putting it in her bag and then zipping it close.

"Hey, Yeonmi. Let's walk home together." Yohan said as he holds the strap of his backpack.

Yeonmi just nodded and walked ahead of him, making Yohan follow her until they're out of the school.

The walk was silent. Yohan didn't like it but Yeonmi did.

"So, Yeonmi. What was your answer on No. 5 on the Math Quiz earlier?" Yeonmi looked at him before looking down on the ground.

"I thought you want the walk to be silent." She said, making Yohan frown.

"Well, not anymore. I like talking while walking." He chuckled on how it rhymed.

"Look, sorry for, you know, rejecting you."

"It's okay. I was being a total nuisance but don't worry, I gave up. I won't bother you anymore." She said and fastened her pace.

Yohan felt it. He felt what she felt when he rejected her. This is his karma.

He stopped walking, making Yeonmi stop and then turn around, still looking down.

"You really mean that?"

"Yes. I like someone else now."

"That's not true. You only like me and me only."

Yohan walked to her and pulled her closer, bodies touching.

"And you're mine."

And you know what happened after that. That was Yeonmi's first kiss. It was unbelievable. Especially that Yohan kissed her.

They pulled back once they have lacked of oxygen.

"So, you still like that someone else?"

"What if I still do like him?"

Yohan looked down, making Yeonmi chuckle.

"That was a joke, duh. I never liked Hyunbin in the first place. He's mean towards you."

"So that 'moving on' of yours is just-"

"A joke. Yes. A joke. Funny how you fell for it." Yeonmi laughed out loud, making Yohan smile and kiss her on the cheek then grab her hand.

"Let's go home."


started: 6/7/19
ended: 6/7/19

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