chapter. 4 (the forest of certain death)

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While eating marco would catch glances of dark star, she looked so...beautiful, her eyes and expression hard and void of any emotion, dark star feeling she was being watched looked up her eyes softened and her expression changed from cold to warm, with a smile etched on her pale features, sure she looked like star but her eyes now a light green and her lips black, with a black hair clip.

Dark dark chuckled "is there something interesting on my face?" Dark star asked, not taking her eyes off of marco who was now sweating bullets under the dark queens gaze "ah, n-no" he cleared his throat "no, its just that you look beautiful" hearing this out of the blue dark star did something marco hadn't seen before, she was blushing "w-well, thanks"

She stood "if your done eating we can head out" she said flipping her long blonde hair to one side while walking away, "your equipment is in the next room, I'll meet you outside in the forest of certain death, we have an adventure to go on" she added before disappearing into darkness.

Marco watched her figuring as she walked away, he couldn't help but look at her ass as it swayed from side to side, 'i can't believe it, i know one thing that's different from the two stars, this one has curves' he chuckled to himself as he stared at the ceiling, his thoughts were interupted when a servant came in, he heard him come in easily because of the clinking of the collar

"my lord, if you would follow me to your appointed room, the mistress wishes you to be in her presence" sighing marco changed his features into that of a damanding ruler "you dare to rush me, i go when i want, or do you wish to go against me"

'i don't like acting like this but i needs to keep up the act so they dont think I'm weak' marco thought to himself "i-im sorry lord, please forgive my ignorance" he kneeled down and moved his right hand to his heart not daring to meet his gaze.

Marco audibly sighed "I'll forgive your ignorance, but next time I'll kill you" the servant was now trying to keep calm and not run away in fear. "I give you permission to escort me to my equipment" the servant only nodded.

Dark sat on a cliff overlooking the forest of certain death with a dark smile spread on her face, having just witnessed the scene marco preformed her smile grew, "soon...soon he will be mine and mine alone" she then started evilingly laughing.

{In star's room}

Star was on her dementional phone calling anyone who might of seen marco, after she had leveled the castle and kingdom from top to bottom looking for her squire and best friend, she had a date with tom, but she wouldn't feel right leaving knowing he might be in some kind of danger, she sat on her bed thinking, when a thought struck her, she now knew who could help her, eclipca, star made her way to her great great great get the idea, grandmother's chamber, she knocked loud enough to make it known she was there and heard the dark queen's voice "come in" when star entered she saw eclipca sipping tea on her balcony, she looked surprised to see star but was not unwelcoming, "what brings you by star?" She said smiling gently gesturing for her grand daughter to take a seat across from her which she graciously accepted

"eclipca, i haven't been able to find marco, I've looked everywhere, but without any luck" star looked down with a sad expression
"Tell me star, when was the last time you saw him" she asked with a stern tone, "well, i had gone to tell marco that i was leaving to have a date with tom, i heard voices in his room but when i went to open the door, it was locked, then...i heard a blast then the door was suddenly able to be opened but by that time he was gone, and the only thing i saw was a small bit of electric like mist" star said, eclipca put down her tea and mulded over what dtar had just relyed then came to a horrific conclusion "s-star, what c-colour was the mist" star was taken aback "w-well it was...purple" eclipca then looked even more shocked whispering to herself "this cant be" over and over.

[Find out next time what has eclipca so frightened.] ☆

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