chapter 9. (marco's return)

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Marco, dark star and toffee stood in the throne room once again as the queen of evil and he spent a night together the night before...

"So...I've decided i need to see my old reality one last time"

"Okay but" she grabs his neck "dont be gone long or else I'll have to come and get you" marco half smiled, "promise" he startles her with a kiss,

He looks over to toffee and nods and was about to leave when toffee stops him "lord...may i accompany you as a body guard, i may be a coward but if you or mistress were ever in danger I'd fight until no-one was left standing" marco scoffed then sighed "fine".

After that marco used the spell dark star taught him and flew through time and space breaking through the reality barrier safely making it to his original one.

First making a trip to his home he went down the street to his front door, hand out stretched but he hesitated when he heard laughter, he made his way to the window and peered inside to see his mother and father playing with his little sister they're smiles making his heart harden alittle 'oh....i get it...I've been forgotten..' after a minute he decided to visit star one last time before forgetting her

Using his dementional scissors he walked through to the portal to be in his mewni room. It was emty with a silence that he could hear muffled voices, he walked down the wallway and told toffee to hide in his shadow until ordered otherwise, walking down he noted that the voices were getting louder and could make out the words "i cant find him anywhere tom...i dont know what to do" marco gasped. 'Can she really care about me after all' marco thought with hope. "dont worry starship you've been searching all day, lets get your mind off him for abit and have some homemade corn chips and dip while we watch a movie"

She sighed and said "i guess your right i think he might of just went home i mean we didn't have anything planned anyway" at hearing this marco's heart hardened even more 'i see, i guess she forgot after all'

Not wanting to make a sound he attempted to leave when the door creaked open from a small gust of wind and reveiled his surpised form,
Star was the first to notice "m....marco" star asked looking at an adult slightly demonized marco "marco is that you", star ran to maro and hugged him, to which marco was disgusted at the contact, he looked to tom who wore a scowl "what are you looking at" tom asked his words laced with venom

"I came here to give you a message.....dont ever try to find me, I've found my another reality" just when star was about to say something toffee appeared from marco's shadow, star jumped back "toffee!, you died" he scoffed "dont lump me in with your realites toffee fake princess" toffee was about to walk towards star when star said "quick marco get away from toffee!"

"toffee heel" he said nonchalantly, this baffled star and tom, when he actually obeyed his comand "yes master" toffee complied and kneeled at his masters feet.

When star was about to interject reality shift tore threw the space behind marco and out came two lizard men in armour "my lord, the queen has requested your presence, she says its an emergency" he says nervously, marco huffed "fine, i was done here anyway" he looks back to star " goodbye star....foever"

[Hey guys do you want me to continue this?]
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