~~~~~~~~~~~Wednesday, 9:54 pm~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bakugous POV~~~~~~~~~~~
I was in the bathroom getting ready for the dance that was in 5 minutes. I was brushing my teeth until I heard a knock on the door. "Bakugou we're about to be late!" Kirishima said while knocking on the door. "Ok I'm just brushing my teeth and I'll be ready!" I said.
I ran out the door and grabbed kirishima "c'mon! We don't wanna be late" I said while running through the halls.
We got to the gym that the dance was at and I walked in while holding kirishimas hand. I saw sero, kaminari, and mina. "Hey guys! Awe your so cute together!" Mina said running up to us. "T..thanks I guess?" Kirishima said turning red.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~Kirishimas POV~~
I was dancing with bakugou when the music went from pop music to slow dancing. Jirou was eying me and Bakugou, I knew why she put slow dancing music on..bakugou shrugged and grabbed my waist in one hand and my hand in the other. "Bakugou I don't know how to slow dance let's just go sit down and eat something" I told him. "That's fine I know how to slow dance, my mom forced me to learn in case I ever met a girl, I mean, but instead this time it's a boy" he said laughing. He started dancing and I followed his steps.~~~~~~~~~~~~jirous POV~~~~~~~~~~~~
I purposely put on slow music cause I think bakugou and kirishima needed to do something to push them to date. I wish I could dance with kaminari but I have to take over the music..or maybe not? I saw present mic and I walked over to him. "Hey present mic can you take over the music while I dance with kaminari?" I asked him. "HECK YES DUDETTE" he said in his normal annoying voice. "Thank you!" I said as I walked over to kaminari.~~~~~~~~kirishimas POV~~~~~~~~
I saw jirou go over and start dancing with kaminari, "that's cute" I said and nudged my head towards jirou and kaminari. "I never would've thought kaminari would get a girl, I thought he was gay with sero" bakugou said laughing. We continued dancing.~~~~~~Shigaraki's POV~~~~~~
"I saw Ochaco go to the bathroom. Time to start the plan!" Toga said exited, she started skipping to the bathroom. "Dabi when you see toga get the teachers out of the room you corner everyone in a fire and get bakugou" I told dabi, he nodded in agreement.~~~~~~bakugous POV~~~~~~
I saw ochaco talking to present mic and all might. "I wonder what she's doing.." I said quietly. I was still dancing with kirishima, I saw all might get Mr. aizawa who was being tormented by Mrs. Joke. He looked worried and left with all might and present mic. After they were gone I heard a window shatter, a piece of glass hit kirishimas leg which stabbed right through his pants into his leg. "KIRISHIMA!" He fell to the floor while screaming in pain. I saw blue fire in the corner of my eye. "Who the hell IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!!" I screamed angrily. I looked over and saw everyone backed into a corner getting blocked my blue fire. "I remember this fire...THE VILLAINS..HOW DARE YOU!!" I picked up kirishima and tried to get to the door, someone grabbed my neck which caused me to fall back and drop kirishima, he landed on his leg which caused the glass to go deeper into his leg. He screamed and it made my heart hurt. "KIRISHIMA" I saw ochaco come back and locked the door the teachers were in. "Got them! Let's go now!" She said skipping towards us. I saw a portal that she went through. Shigaraki walked in the portal as well, the man holding my neck dragged me in as well. "Shit shit shit.. KIRISHIMA"~~~~~~~kirishimas POV~~~~~~~
I was getting light headed, blood was all over the gym floor. I saw momo create a fire extinguisher and put out the fire. The students from other classes run out of the gym, but 1-A stayed to help. Midoriya and Tsu went to help the teachers, Mina and momo came over to help me. "We need ice and a cloth, I'll make a cloth, todoroki we need ice!" Momo was taking this situation really seriously. I was screaming and crying, not from pain but because they got bakugou.."it's ok kirishima I know it hurts but-" I cut todoroki off. "ITS NOT MY FREAKING LEG, I LOST BAKUGOU AGAIN!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I saw Tsu and Midoriya walk out of the room with the teachers and ochaco who just left with bakugou...but she looked tired, and she was bleeding from her arm. They walked over to me and started asking if I was ok. "I'm fine, bakugou isn't! And ochaco how the hell are you here didn't you JUST take bakugou?!" I snapped at everyone and especially ochaco. "What do you mean?! I was locked in the bathroom by toga himiko!" She said. "What do you mean?!" I asked. "Kirishima calm down, toga himiko can turn into people if she consumes their blood. That wasn't ochaco, we found the real ochaco in the bathroom bleeding out." Midoriya explained while momo was treating my leg the best she could. "I-I'm sorry ochaco..but bakugou! I need to get him!" I tried to get up but Mr. Aizawa pushed me back down. "Kirishima you can't, leave it to the pro hero's you're just a student" Mr. Aizawa told me. "Ok I helped it as much as I could, take him to recovery girl." Momo said. Midoriya picked me up, kaminari, sero, and Mina followed.

Kirishima x bakugou (UNFINISHED)
Fanfiction((Uncompleted)) please just enjoy this story and if you have suggestions comment on the chapter you wanna add a suggestion to!