~~~~~~~~~~~~Kaminaris POV~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bakugou has been in his room for a month. I'm not worried too much, I've been giving him food. But with kirishima in a coma he is in terrible shape. He refuses to talk. I'm not sure if he's eating. He hasn't been to class. And he doesn't even call Midoriya deku anymore.
~~flashback to last week~~ "Bakugou? It's deku..are you ok? Have you been eating the food kaminaris giving you?" "I'm fine Midoriya..please leave.." ~~back to now~~ He isn't being himself and I'm scared. Jirou and I are going to go into his room today and try and talk to him. ~~at bakugous dorm~~ "Bakugou is jirou and kaminari" jirou said through the door. "Please leave. Goodbye." Bakugou said with pain in his voice. Jirou stuck her headphone jacks into the door and heard something that scared her. "Are you ok jirou?" I asked her. "I heard a chair. Bakugou open the door and don't do anything stupid!" Jirou said almost crying. I freaked out and kicked the door down.
(TW: if you are sensitive to Suicide and self harm please stop reading here, please just skip to the next chapter if you are sensitive)
Jirou Screamed and ran up to bakugou, wearing kirishimas bandana and hoodie. I started crying. "Bakugou what are you doing?!" Jirou said hugging him and crying. I looked at the noose and chair bakugou set up. "Bakugou wh..why..?" "Kaminari, imagine Jirou in a coma for a month. I've lost all hope. He won't wake up. So I want to not wake up with him." bakugou said with bags under his eyes. "Bakugou we came here to tell you the hospital called us. They think Kirishima is going to wake up today!" Jirou said still crying. "Are you sure or are you just telling me this." Bakugou said looking down. "Bakugou please" Jirou somehow convinced bakugou to follow her out of the room. I tore the robe down from the fan and shut the door on the way out. Bakugou put his hood up and continued following us to the hospital.
Once we got there bakugou ran into kirishimas room. Jirou and I stayed outside so bakugou could talk to him.
~~~~~bakugous POV~~~~~ I sat next to kirishima while he laid there almost lifeless. I started crying. "Kirishima I don't know if you can here me, but I've been a wreck without you. I can't eat, sleep, shower, or even move. I've been in my room for a month. I..I tried to kill myself today, I probably would have if kaminari and Jirou weren't there, I seriously can't live normally without you, without your stupid hair, your dumb teeth. Your stupid jokes, your embrace. Everything. I need you kirishima." I ranted to him and took of his hoodie I was wearing. "Kirishima please don't wake up mad at me. I've been hurting myself without you. I seriously need you. If you can hear me..please wake up.." I grabbed my hand and closed my eyes. I opened them to see Jirou and kaminari looking at my arms through the large window. I saw kaminari holding Jirou and crying with her. I closed my eyes again and sat with him holding his hand.
~~~~~~kirishimas POV~~~~~~~
I can hear bakugou. I can't get up, open my eyes, or anything. I tried to move and managed to move my lip a little bit. I started gaining strength and I opened one eye.
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"B..bakugou..." I said quietly, I wanted to say more but I didn't have enough strength. "KIRISHIMA!" He started crying and hugged me tightly. I saw Jirou and kaminari cry and run in the room. "Kirishima your awake!!" Everyone was crowded around me but the only person I heard was bakugou. "B..bakugou...please...don't hurt yourself...I...I can't live without you either..." I said as he started hugging me tighter. "I'm so sorry.." I heard him start crying and he grabbed my face. "I...I wouldn't know what to do if you were dead. Please...if this happens again...stay strong..and don't..do that... again.." I said to him grabbing his hand while it was on my cheek. "I won't ever do that again just for you...I'll stay strong for you.." he said as a tear ran down his nose. All I thought about was kissing his lips again. I gathered all the strength I could and leaned in to kiss him. Kaminari and Jirou went to get the doctors while bakugou and I were still in the hospital room. I touched his cheek and wiped the tears away. "I love you so much." I said do him I fell back from my loss of energy. "All I did was lean over and I'm out of energy, how strange" I said chuckling a little bit. Bakugou smiled at me.
3 minutes later the doctors came in and told me that I still have to heal and to use my energy little by litter everyday. "Can you lean forwards?" The doctors asked me. "N..no I already used my little energy.." "on what?" I looked at bakugou. We smiled at each other. "I leaned forwards to grab my phone" I heard a lot of people talking from the waiting room, I looked out the open door for 2.0 seconds and I saw our whole class barge in and crowd around me. "Kirishima your awake!" "Oh my god are you ok?!" "Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?!" All the questions were overwhelming. "Guys he just woke up please give him space" bakugou explained to everyone. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you just woke up!" Ochaco said sincerely. I continued to talk to everyone when Mr. Aizawa interrupted. "Everyone it's getting late, we have to go now." "Oh ok..bye kirishima!" Mina said walking out after the whole class said bye I was left with bakugou who didn't leave. He pulled the yellow and brown reclining chair next to me and sat next to me. "What are you doing?" "I'm staying here with you" He said as he leaned over and kissed my nose. He grabbed the remote to the hospital tv. He got Netflix on the TV and started playing my favorite movie, "bakugou.. can you come up here?" I asked him. "I uh..sure.." he sat next to me on the hospital bed and put his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder. We fell asleep half way through the movie.