~~~~~~~~~~~~Thursday~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've been crying all night. Recovery girl couldn't heal my leg completely but she did a little. It is wrapped in bandages. I'm in the dorm now, I can't look at my phone cause my home and lock screen is bakugou. I can't eat, I haven't left the dorm room. I'm just sitting here crying.
~~~~~~~~~~~~3 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've been thinking of breaking the rules and going out to save bakugou. But I can't without help and I haven't been out of my room to ask anyone. I haven't dyed my hair in 3 weeks. All I want right now is to be with bakugou. I decided to go out of the dorm and walked to Midoriya's room. *knock knock knock* "Hello- oh my god kirishima! This is unexpected, why are you here?" Midoriya asked me as he opened the door. "Midoriya you need to help me get bakugou back." "But last time we almost got expelled!" "I don't care. I need bakugou back in my life. I haven't been going to class, haven't been dying my hair, haven't been sleeping, eating. Midoriya I need him in my life.." I ranted to him. "I...I didn't know he meant that much to you.." Midoriya said while looking down. I started crying, "please Midoriya. I need him.." I begged for Midoriya to help me. "Fine I'll help. I'll get todoroki." Midoriya said as he pushes by me to go to todoroki's room. "I'll be in my dorm when your ready.." I said. I walked to my dorm and waited. I looked at the note I wrote to myself. I folded it and put it in the pocket of bakugous hoodie I've been wearing for 3 weeks. "Kirishima let's go." Todoroki said as he opened the dorm door. "Oh..ok.." I said as I walked out with them. We left at 12:37 am.
Once we got to where the league hid I immediately ran into the building even though todoroki and Midoriya told me to wait. I just kept running. My leg was still messed up but I don't care. I'm going to run til I get to bakugou. I found the door and used hardening to break it open. I saw bakugou, but also the league of villains. Todoroki and Midoriya caught up with me and saw the same thing I did. "BAKUGOU" I screamed, todoroki made eye contact with a black haired guy with purple shit on his skin. "You bastard, let him go." Todoroki said calmly. "Why would we do that, it's three adults, and one young adult against three children. This will be fun." The black haired guy said while looking at todoroki. "kirishima just go..get the pro hero's.. tell them where I am and-" bakugou got cut off. "Someone shut him up" shigaraki said while looking at the rest of the league. I saw toga grab a towel and put it in bakugous mouth. "There we go! All better" toga said while grinning. "Guess I'll have to force him away from you assholes.." I said while hardening my arms into sharp rocks. "I'm ok with that!" Toga said smiling, and ran towards me with a syringe looking thing. Todoroki and dabi were fighting as well and Midoriya secretly send his location to all might. Shigaraki tried to attack him but Midoriya pushed him back. "Wow your pretty strong, you must really REALLY love this bakugou correct?" Toga started talking while I was pined against the 10th story window. I saw the very top of the window start cracking. "Let bakugou go and you can kill me" I said to this crazy girl pushing me against the window. "Hmm I like that idea, but scratch letting bakugou go..." she started pushing me against the window harder. I looked over at bakugou who was looking at me and looked like he was about to start crying. I hardened my finger to be in a sharp object and stabbed togas arm which made her mad and pushed the window harder until it was cracked all tHe was to my back. "ONE MORE SHOVE AND YOUR DEAD, SHARK BOY" she shouted at me. Midoriya was trying not to use his quirk for some reason, dabi and todoroki were both using fire against each other. "Bakugou, I'm sorry I love you.." I said as I raised my hand and sliced togas face. She pushed me as a reflex and I fell down 10 stories. I could hear bakugou screaming as I fell. I felt as if I was falling in slow motion. I didn't have time to use hardening on my full body so I only did my head and back. I crashed into the concrete, everything went black.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~bakugous POV~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can't believe what I just watched. I watched the only guy I ever loved fall out of a 10 story building. I started screaming and crying. I saw all might bust through the door and while that distracted the villains todoroki ran over to me and got me out of the chair I was tied to. He grabbed Midoriya as well and ran us out of the building. "WAIT STOP ICEY HOT! KIRISHIMA!!" I screamed as I ran down the stairs, almost jumping down each flight of stairs. I reached the bottom and saw kirishima, I haven't seen him in 3 weeks and the first time I see him he's almost dead?! I Can't just sit here. Despite all the people crowding him I ran to him and picked him up. I started running. Running as fast as I could to the hospital.
Once I got to the hospital I begged them to take kirishima. He was immediately sent to the ER. 2 minutes later they gave me my hoodie he was wearing cause he has to be shirtless so they could look at his wounds. I asked to be in the room with him. "No sir they are looking at very violent things and we can't have you be passing out in there. And we don't have his consent to let one of his friends to see him shirtless" I cut the main office lady off "IM NOT JUST HIS FRIEND IM HIS BOYFRIEND, IVE SEEN MUCH WORSE THINGS JUST LET ME SEE HIM" I can't believe I said out loud that I was his boyfriend but I had to to get past this bratty lady. "Fine then you may go.." she said.
I ran to his room and stood still while the doctors looked at his wounds. "Is he ok?!" "We don't know." "WILL HE AT LEAST SURVIVE?!" " We don't know sir, please go sit down" I listened to the doctors and sat down crying. I looked in the pocket of my hoodie and found a note he wrote while I was kidnapped. I started reading it "The days are a blur, I never get out of bed anymore I don't even find excitement in training anymore..I can't even paint my damn hair without breaking down. I can't sleep, eat, or look at my phone. I need you in my life bakugou.." reading it made me cry harder. I looked over and the nurse was wrapping him in bandages.. Once they were done they left and I was aloud to talk alone with him.
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I'll be here every day kirishima..I love you so much...