Part 14 - Happy little accidents

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He starts wiggling his head around, trying to get into the right position to catch the small piece of pizza in his mouth. Aiming towards him, I place my tongue between my teeth, preparing for take off.

Throwing it at him while laughing, I notice the Fanta bottle doesn't have a lid on it... And the fact that the small piece of pizza heading towards Austin is going off track, to where Austin has to reach to get it.

Before either of us know it, both Austin and the bottled Fanta are on the floor, the liquid drenching both his shirt and the floor. I fall back, laughing and howling at him in amusement as he  looks up at me with an unamused look on his face while picking up the bottle to stop whatever's left from spilling too.

After calming down slightly, I look over to him, only to have a soppy shirt thrown at me. Chucking the shirt back at him, I stand up and walk into the kitchen, to retreave two tea towels.

Passing one to Austin, I start to pat down the wet patch on the floor. Eventually, he follows my lead, the both of us attempting to clean up a mess that may end up staining the carpet.

About a minute passes and we are still attempting to clean up the same spilled drink. Having personally started at the centre, where most of the spillage has happened, I watch Austin slowly and painstakingly rubbing up at the areas that I haven't managed to get at.

This carries on for a few moments before our hands brush against each others. I glance up at him to see where he is looking, to see from his expression if he realised what just happened.

A small smirk is at the corner of his lips. Was it deliberate? Is there something on his mind? Or simply, can he hear my heart slamming against my ribcage at this small contact?

After drying as much as possible from the carpet, we both stand with me passing Austin my soggy tea towel and flopping back onto the sofa. Austin flicks the extremely damp towel I used to gently slap my leg and leave a small bit of Fanta behind.

Chasing after him as he runs off, flailing around not only his own tea towel but my own two, I realise that not all accidents have to be bad. This is definitely where I belong. But it's not where I need to be at this moment though. I have my own place now. And I can't exactly be around Austin all the time. It is not healthy for either of us.

Finally, it's short, rubbish and out.

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