3. blue raspberry

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everything is well in the jeon jungkook life. he got three hours of sleep after forcing himself to do so, even with all the absolute adrenaline running through him from being touched by kim seokjin.

he woke up and the first thing he saw was seokjin's bare chest as he came out the bathroom, appearantly he had decided to wake up a bit earlier so he could grab coffee before the gym.

then, of course, as he's getting dressed in his workout gear, he gets a knock on the door and there's nobody awake at this hour other than seokjin.

so, he may or may not have intentionally thrown off his shirt that he had just slipped his arms into to open the door.

and he may or may not have been so focused on if seokjin would look at his chest or not to realize that he was speaking to him.

"wanna grab coffee together?" is what he asked. jungkook knows. because after he was done his intensive research he had asked the elder what he had just said.

and then he asked what he said again. because there's no way that kim seokjin is asking him go get coffee with him at five-thirty am. there's no way.

seokjin snorts, "coffee. with me. jungkook."

jungkook's eyes are about ten times wider than they usually are. which is saying something because he constantly looks like a deer caught in headlights. he would know, namjoon tells him about it all the time.

"um. yes. definitely, yes. i love coffee." he doesn't. but he tells seokjin he does because seokjin just asked him for coffee, so obviously he has to get coffee on his coffee date with seokjin who—

"great. it's a date. meet me downstairs in...ten?"

a date.

a //date//.

jungkook stiffly nods and watches as seokjin walks away.

then, he promptly closes the door. grabs his pillow off the bed. smashes his face into it. and screams.

after he's done he sets the pillow back down and grabs his phone from his desk.

after he's done he sets the pillow back down and grabs his phone from his desk

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jimin doesn't respond

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jimin doesn't respond. but he knows that it's for the best, considering that he's probably pissed for being woken up this early. he'll just make it up to him by buying him some candy or something.

jungkook throws his phone on the bed and tugs his shirt back on.

alright. he's good. he's fine. he's super chill.

uber calm. hella relaxed.

jeon jungkook is totally the man right now.

he does a couple of jumping jacks, swallows a scoop of protein powder, straps his phone to his arm, ties his shoes, and leaves his room.

"you can do this, jungkook." he mumbles to himself as he pushes open the door to the stairwell, "it's just coffee with kim seokjin. you got this, bro."

jungkook does everything he can to hype himself up, and by the time he reaches the first floor the amount of confidence he has is slightly above the amount of anxiety flowing through him.

in one moment he's practically strutting through the small lobby and the next, he's standing in front of seokjin, all of his confidence, gone. all of his pre-workout hype, gone.

well, the protein powder is definitely doing /something/ but it's not enough.

seokjin grins, his plump lips curling into jungkook's favorite smile, "ready?"

"uh. yeah. coffee. yeah." he fumbles over the words, "yeah."

"you're so cute." seokjin says, "even when you look like a giant bodybuilder."

jungkook blinks. kim seokjin just called him cute again.

and he acknowledged his muscles.

ok. maybe jungkook //is// the man. and maybe seokjin ///did/// peek at his chest earlier and he just didn't catch it.

almost immediately he starts trying to find some gaps in his schedule where he can fit in some workouts. maybe he can start eating more and bulking up instead of eating his gross and bland planned meals.

"let's go." the older hooks their arms together while jungkook is in the midst of planning out his new workout routine and pulls him along.

they walk considerably slower than jungkook's used to. he's always been yelled at by jimin for his constant fast paced walking speed (he vaguely remembers the day that he carried jimin on his back because he was tired of his pouty complaining) (he was actually just way too jittery after drinking two protein shakes for lunch and couldn't control how fast his legs were moving at the time).

with seokjin, kim seokjin, he's actually (slightly) enjoying the slow pace. jungkook's not smelling the roses but he /is/ smelling seokjin. something he uses, maybe his body wash or his deodorant...

whatever it is, it smells great. and it wafts right up into jungkook's nose every time a breeze blows past them.

before he can stop them the words tumble out his mouth, "you smell good." it's quiet, but he knows the seokjin heard him.

"it's my conditioner!" seokjin beams, "it's lemon sage. yoongi got it for me."

lemon sage.

he makes a mental note to remember the scent. tonight he'll see if he can find any candles that match it.

wait. no. that's creepy.

what if seokjin bursts into his room and he's just burning a fucking candle that's the same scent as his conditioner? he's gonna think that jungkook's weird and that's not what jungkook wants. nope not at all.

he still catalogs the scent in his brain. maybe he can make it look like a weird coincidence or something.

'oh, yeah! it's my new lemon candle! i guess it does smell kinda like your conditioner lol weird hahaha'

'oh! that! it's the candle my //mom// sent me. you know? my mom that's little and old and kind and sends me candles because she misses me and the candle just so happens to smell exactly like your new conditioner and—'

'no! this isn't the smell of //your// conditioner...it's the smell of mine! yoongi got me the same one!!'

nope. still pretty weird.

whatever. jungkook doesn't even ////need//// the lemon sage candle right now. because he's got seokjin right next to him. and the whole walk he takes advantage and makes sure to enjoy every single whiff of lemon sage he gets.

he's never liked citrusy smells before.

but lemon sage is his new favorite.

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