Child's Play Part 1

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(Ivory Bend)

"Listen," I started.  I am a Forever Kingdom Seeker with the rare ability to shapeshift into any living creature.   Currently, I look like a model from the cover of a magazine I had seen shortly before I entered his room.  I held up my hands at the very talented singer, Matt Terry.  "Come to Forever and when you leave in three months, your career will sky-rocket when you return to your world."

Matt Terry swallowed hard, his back plastered against the wall of his apartment, "Who else went there?  Give me some names."

"Well, Beyonce, Imagine Dragons, and many more," I  batted my pale eyelashes, hand out.  

"Three months and I come back to my normal life," Matt eyed me carefully.  

"Three months, that's all," I waited and after a moment of hesitation, his fingers, calloused from playing the guitar, slipped into my palm.  "You may get slightly sick from this next part, so it might help if you close your eyes." 

He nodded nervously, and closed his light blue eyes. I gripped his hand, and stuck my hand through the Wall.  It shimmered, and parted at my touch.  I stepped into Forever with him stuck to my side like glue.  He fell to the ground with the affects of being in an aircraft going Mach 2.  I settled onto a large stone, waiting for him to come out of it.  Forever was very bright.  The sun shines everyday, and we hardly get any rain, yet everything still grows and thrives.  It has green meadows, enormous oak trees, and  beautiful waterfalls.  It stays consistently around the mid-80's, and then there is the Remmi.  My face darkened with the thought of the place and its people.  If you can fly, you can see the territory change from Forever to Remmi.  It's like a dark line through the bright and colorful Forever.  It is always dark, cloudy, and cold in the Remmi.  It rains a type of acid, which burns your skin.  It's twisted and covered in murderous redcaps and strong ogres.  We have been fighting to keep Forever intact but the Remmi is expanding.  It's taking over Forever and we are barely holding on to our spot behind the Wall, which hides us from the mortals.  Matt groaned, and slowly sat up.  He looked around in awe.

"Wow," he stood up and looked at the beautiful kingdom.  "It's amazing."

"Yeah, it is..." I faded out as something caught my eyes.  A dark cloud of grey rushing towards us.  My head cocked to the side as my eyes squinted.  That can't be possible.  They can't be that strong and we surely can't be that weak...yet.  I grabbed Matt's arm, and yanked him in front of me, pushing him forward.  "Run.  Run!"  He took off in a bolt obviously hearing the desperation in my voice.  I could hear the sizzling as the Remmi spread, taking more of Forever's beautiful land.  "Go on the path to the left!" I yelled, glancing behind to see redcaps appear.  Matt darted through the brush and kept running.  I pulled out one of my daggers, which is a matching set.  Both are from the beginning of time and they have a bright green emerald in-bedded in the hilt.  I whirled cutting off the redcaps's clawed hand that reached for me.  He screamed and fell as I continued running after Matt, protecting him.  "Hey!" I shouted waving my arms at the archers on the kingdom's walls.  They looked shocked at the  mass of redcaps on our tails.  They loaded their bows, pointed them at the sky, and fired.  Soldiers opened the large doors, and we ran through.  Matt stopped to breathe, but I grabbed his arm and kept him moving.  Ever since the Remmi started spreading, many of our people have moved within the city walls to be protected by our army. I can't blame them, the guards can't be everywhere.  I walked him through another set of walls where King Magnum lived in his castle.  For a brief second, I turned back to see a wave of green fog push the curtain of grey back.  I turned and continued through the hall of the castle.  I have lived in the castle all my life, training to be a Seeker, and have never seen King Magnum.  Only his power was keeping us safe at this point.  Two men dressed in similar uniforms flanked my sides.  On my right side, Caspian Cave a fellow Seeker with dark blue eyes that seemed to sparkle, hair the color of ripe wheat, tall and fit.  The other, Triton Moore, a Seeker with light brown eyes, dark hair with a shine of blue to it, and was slightly shorter then Caspian.  

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