Let's Just Say There Are A Few Obstacles In The Way

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Liam's POV

"Niall, quit trying to eat my parrot!" Louis chased after Niall, who was trying to catch up with me and the parrot.

I turned around to see the group. This was the first time I noticed we were all in bad shape. All of us lost a ton of weight since we came here and now we looked like toothpicks.The group looked tired and exhausted. Harry was dragging his feet along looking at the ground. Niall was trying to cook Louis' parrot into a meal. Louis was running after Niall trying to get him to stop trying to eat the parrot. Savannah was jogging normally behind us, but she had terrible dark circles under her blue eyes. And Zayn was muttering to himself as he walked. I turned back around to see Niall jumping in the air trying to scoop the parrot out of the air.

"Niall! Don't this is our only hope to get back to the beach!" I scolded.

Niall pouted and started walking slowly.

"Are you sure this parrot is going to lead us to beach, Savannah?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know. We can only hope," She sighed.

"Maybe this was a bad idea?" Niall suggested.

"It's too late to go back now," Harry stated.

We were way too far away now to go back. We've probably walked about five miles, which seems a lot when you have barely anything to eat and drink.

I sat down on the ground, "Let's take a break." No one hesitated. They all collapsed on the ground. The parrot, as if on cue, landed on a nearby branch.

"Liam!" Zayn screamed, snapping my out of my thoughts.

I looked at Zayn. A snake was slithering over to Niall, Zayn, and Louis.

"Let's get up slowly and leave."

We all got up slowly and the parrot took off. We were practically running as fast as we could to keep up with the parrot.

Savannah's POV

I keep at a steady pace following behind the others. All of sudden, they came to a halt and I bumped into Louis.

"Why did we stop?" I ask.

"Come here," Zayn said.

I walked over beside Zayn. Standing before us all was a huge cliff with a river at the bottom it. If you fell you would've landed directly into the river. I looked around. There was no way getting around it. The parrot continued flying and landed on a branch across the cliff on the other side. If only we could find a bridge.

Now what?" Harry asked.

"I think we're going to have to find a way to get across!" Niall suggested. Thank you, Captain Obvious.

"But how?"


Hey amazingness!

So what is going to happen?

Muahahahaha I feel so evil leaving you hanging!!

I will try to update soon I think..

Short chappie I know :(

- Jessica xoxo

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