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"The hell happened to this planet?" Quill asked while waving around some glowing stick, "It's eight degrees off its axis, gravitational pull is all over the place."

"Yeah, we got one advantage, he's coming to us." Tony said in front of him, "We'll use it."

He turned and walked back over to the small group, Mantis jumping on something a few feet away with Drax watching her, and Tessa and Peter standing side by side, gazing at her father.

"All right, I have a plan. Or at least the beginnings of one."

Quill walked over with a questioning glance.

"It's pretty simple. We draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. Definitely don't wanna dance with this guy, we just want the gauntlet - Are you yawning?"

Tessa turned to see Drax yawning up at the sky, Mantis staring at him, "Seriously, in the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down. Huh? Did you hear what I said?"

"I stopped listening after you said we need a plan." Drax commented while resting his hands on his belt while shifting from leg to leg. "Alright, Mr. Clean is on his own page." Tony justified with a wave of his hand.

"See, not winging it isn't really what they. . . do." Quill said sheepishly, and she rolled her eyes while Peter pointed to them and asked, "What exactly is it that they do?"

"Kick names, take ass." Mantis said, and Drax backed her up with, "Yeah, that's right."

The girl looked over to her two boys with an exasperated look, but Tony already had one while gazing at the two aliens, Peter looking up at him curiously, his eyebrow lifting. 

"But what exactly is it that your little minions do?" Quill asked with a smirk. Tessa lifted her hand and twirled her fingers, waves of ruby glowing throughout her palm, "Psionic energy, asshole."


"In short? Meaning I could blast your nonexistent ass. And he has super human strength and webs like a spider."

There was a pause, everyone staring at the two incredibly odd kids. God, that whole group is weird.

Tony sighed after a moment and said, "Alright, just get over here please. Mr. Lord, can you get your folks to circle up please?"

"Mr. Lord? Star-Lord is fine." He responded, and Tessa scoffed, "Yeah, I'm not calling ya that." The two walked over with their heads down slowly, their hands by their sides.

"We gotta coalesce, 'cause if all we come at him with is a plucky attitude-" Tony began, but Quill cut him off, "Dude, don't call us plucky. We don't know what it means."

Tony looked up, his face purely reading bitch please, and Tessa sighed while rolling her eyes, and Peter slapped her arm. She looked over to him, hissing under her breath, "What was that for?" "Don't be mean!"

She casted him a doubtful look, "Are you even listening to this joke of a conversation, Pete?" "Wait, what does plucky even mean?" ". . . I don't know."

"All right, we're optimistic, yes, I like your plan." Quill said while pointing at the man, "Except it sucks, so let me do the plan, and that way it might be really good."

"Tell him about the dance-off to save the universe." Drax commented, making everyone turned to him, impossibly fed up. "What dance off?" She asked with a snort.

"I-It's not a - it's nothing." Quill said, embarrassed.

"Like in Footloose, the movie?" Peter asked sarcastically, and to their surprise the man replied excitedly with, "Exactly like Footloose! Is it still the greatest movie of all time?"

"It never was." Peter and Tessa said together, and Tony turned to face them as Quill glared. "Don't encourage this, Alright?" Her father scolded, and Peter mumbled okay while kicking some rocks with his feet, "We're getting no help from Flash Gordon here."

"Flash Gordon?" Quill echoed while walking forward, "By the way, that's a compliment. Don't forget, I'm half human. So that 50% of me that's stupid, that's a 100% you." He swirled his finger around and pointed at the four. "Your math is blowing my mind." Tony said sarcastically.

"Excuse me?" Mantis interrupted while turning to them, then back. They all shifted to see what she was looking at, "But does your friend. . . often do that?"

Strange was floating in the air with his legs crossed, sage surrounding him. His face was moving at a mile a minute, his fingers in a specific fashion of them being crossed over each other.

"Strange?" Tony called while shoving by Quill and running over to him, stopping in front of him, "Strange can you hear me?" Unresponsive, he lifted his hand up and flicked his finger, "Tess, get him out of this."

Quill, Drax, and Mantis all watched with curiosity as the girl walked over, her palm glowing ruby. She lifted up her hand and twiddled her fingers, sending graceful waves of energy to his mind, forcing him back to reality.

Strange yelled out while falling, bouncing while looking around frantically, and she took a few steps back to get next to Peter, "You're back, you're alright." "Hi." He murmured while staring off at the distance.

"Hey what was that?" Peter called worriedly, putting a hand in front of Tessa protectively.

"I went forward in time to view alternative futures. To see all of the possible outcomes of the coming conflict." Strange explained while panting.

"How many did you see?" She asked while shoving Peter's arm away and stepping forward.

"Fourteen million six hundred and five."

"How many did we win?" Tony asked cautiously. Strange finally turned to him with a frightened gaze, then whispered, "One."

Infinity {Book 2} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now