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A/N: I had to post this I got too excited 😂 also here's the cover for the book that is about Endgame! Please let me know if it's good or not I'm not good at making covers 😂 anyway enjoy!

"This plan sucks!"

"No it's not, its foolproof!"

"I don't think so."

"Guess what, Tessa?"


"I never asked for your opinion."

Tessa rolled her eyes at Peter's remark while shifting her weight from leg to leg, her side burning. She was glaring daggers his way as he explained his horrendous plan, which was to go in by himself.

He wanted to swing down and wrap webs all around his body to stop him while Strange's cape will occupy the gauntlet and won't allow it to close. To say the least, she was surprised to see a cape with a mind of its own flying around like it owned the place. Apple doesn't fall far from the arrogant tree, huh?

Still, his plan was horrible. She didn't want to explain that he literally was a skinny branch, and that he was easily throwable. He would actually be shot down in seconds considering Thanos's size. Also, he didn't seem to understand the concept of this being a world issue, he seems to think of it as a neighborhood issue, despite his previous remark to her father. He didn't realize that this man will kill him in a heart beat, no matter his age. He would have no mercy.

"We're all in this together, Pete. It's all of us against him, not just you." She leaned in closer to him and grabbed his arm gently, "We started this together. We're ending this together, too."

He knew that she wasn't only talking about everyone anymore. They tackled on Vulture together, and met up for this fight unexpectedly. Whether they liked it or not, they were in this together. And until the end.

"I'm sorry Peter, but I can't let you do this." She murmured so only he could hear, and he casted her a look of regret that made her furrow her brows. He stood a step back from her and snaked his wrist out of her grip, "I'm sorry." He fired his web shooter at her and caught her wrist against a rock, but she quickly disintegrated it while saying, "Come on, you know that doesn't work on me."

"I know, I just needed a distraction." He responded, and she looked up quickly as a web connected with her forehead, and a sharp gasp took over her. Her body began to convulse as Strange sprinted over while letting Tony battle against Thanos, hissing, "Hey, what's — what the hell are you doing?!"

Tessa's body lit up with electricity as she gritted her teeth, looking straight ahead, neck locked. Her eyes were wide as her body vibrated viciously, a cry getting stuck in her throat. Peter began to walk back away from a confused Strange, "I'm sorry, tell her I'm so sorry, but I have to do this."

With that he ran off as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and fell backward, Strange moving to catch her. He lowered her as his cape ripped from his neck, and he checked for a pulse, sighing in relief when he felt it pound strong. Thank god, I was not prepared to deal with a body today.

The wizard gazed down at the girl in front of him for a moment, his head tilting to the side slightly. That really knocked her out. . . I'm surprised electricity could take her out. Interesting.

For the first time since they've met, she looked peaceful. Her chest was going up and down gently, soft breaths entering and exiting her nose. She had a long cut on her cheek that was inflaming, and her hair was by her side, resting on the gravel. It was weird seeing her so. . . still. Deciding that he seriously didn't like her like this, he waved his hand out, circles tilting along his wrist clockwise.

He moved his palm above her forehead, hovering slightly above it. Her forehead slowly lit up apricot as he pulled her mind to the surface, and a moment later she sat up with a heaving breath, goosebumps on the back of her neck. Her hair swung in front of her and eclipsed her vision as Strange moved so he was in front of her, and placed a hand on her shoulder, "You alright, kid?"

"What happened?" She asked while blinking repeatedly. "Your so called boyfriend tased you and ran off. Says he's sorry and that he has to do this. What's he talking about?"

Oh god.

"No." She breathed while getting to her knees, "Where's Thanos?" She stood up and looked around frantically, and soon found Peter soaring in circles around the Titan, wrapping him in taser webs that he tested out on her. That asshole!

"He's trying to pin him down himself!" She cried while shifting her legs and running over, Strange hot on her heels. She skidded to a stop while hissing, "Holy shit."

The guardians and Tony all jumped in and helped pin him down quickly, all while Thanos thrashed viciously in his restraints. "Oh my god, it actually worked!"

Tessa jumped down from the pile of rocks as Tony grabbed the gauntlet and tugged, trying to free it from his grasp. Peter pulled at his webs restricting his movement, and the girl's eyes lit up red along with her outstretched palm as she leapt into Thanos's mind, making him stop fighting and stay still.

"A little help, kid!" Tony yelled to Peter as Strange lifted up his fingers, making swirling motions above the Titan. Mantis leapt through the portal and fell through, landing on his shoulders and grabbing his head, her antlers turning white as they lit up. "Please hurry, he is strong!"

Peter ran over and grabbed the gauntlet, and together him and Tony began to pull it off little by little.

"Theresa, go help them!" Strange called, and she untangled from his head, but something stopped her from being free from his mind. She stood straighter as her glowing palm lowered, the power fading away quickly. Her eyes were flourishing scarlet as she called, "That bastard trapped me! Get the damn gauntlet off!"

"All over it!" Peter yelled with strain, tugging away at the slipping gauntlet base as Tony pulled the fingers.

You're not getting away.

The girl could hear the whispers of the purple giant rattling her mind, making her straighten her posture and look forward. Why do you think that?

Because I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well.

Maw was standing behind her, the wooden part of the spear between his webbed fingers. The sharp edge was sticking out of the girl's body, and her eyes slowly darkened back to grey as she looked down at it.

Blood lathered the tip and edges, and the stench nearly made her gag. It was jetting out the left of her stomach, and she gasped inwardly as he yanked it back out with triumph.

She began to stumble backwards, and he caught her and put her in a choke hold while they all stared at her in horror, "Hmm, I thought you were stronger then that, but you can die like any human - Wait, my liege! You let go of him you scoundrels!"

He shoved her away and she stumbled forward as he ran, but she grabbed the end of his robe and yanked him back as she stumbled again, now leaning onto the alien for support. She laid her palm against its head, her palm glowing along with her orbs for eyes.

Suddenly a portal was spawned behind the alien by Strange, and she quickly shoved him through with her powers, nearly taking herself down with him. He shut the portal as she fell, and a puff of dust came up as her body hit the dirt with a sickening thud. Blood instantly splattered around her as she fell on her side, then shoved herself onto her back as she breathed in shakily.

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