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This is only a preview. The full story would likely violate Wattpad rules. So, I'm just giving you a little bit of the setup. For the whole story you'll have to follow the directions at the bottom of the page. 

Now, as to the actual story, I feel like a lot of people are familiar with Noah getting stuck in a folding chair with Millie. However, the more relevant example to my fic is the second time he gets caught in a chair, this time with Finn, Gaten, and Caleb around. The video is embedded up top. The type of chair he's caught in on that occasion is similar to the one i have in mind for this fic.


"So you and El, it's over huh? Just like that?"

Mike Wheeler stared at the redhead across from him and nodded. "Yeah, just like that. She didn't really seem all that upset about it, but I feel like shit anyways. I'm the one that pushed for a relationship, and now..."

Max chose her words carefully before answering. "Look, you're a good guy Mike. We all know you wouldn't hurt El on purpose. In fact, it might be worse to go on pretending you still have those feelings for her when you really don't. And the fact that it took realising you loved someone else to get you to that point? Well, life kind of just happens that way sometimes. So don't beat yourself up too much, okay?"

This was what Mike liked about Max. Sure she was fiery and fierce on the outside, but deep down, she had a soft heart, especially where her friends were involved. "Thanks, Max. That means a lot."

The two shared a quiet moment together before she continued. "So this other person...when are you going to tell him?"

"Wh-what? Tell who!?" Mike stammered, thrown for a loop. He hadn't told anyone that the feelings he had developed were for a guy!

"You're the worst liar ever Wheeler, don't even try it. You and I both know who. I just don't think you should wait too long.He deserves to know."

Mike sighed, slightly frustrated that she could read him so well. "I don't know Max. How do you tell your best friend that you're in love with them?"

"Dude, it's Will," Max replied, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure you'll figure out something. If there's one person that knows how to talk to Will, it's you."

"Aaaaaaaaand CUT! Fantastic work guys, really awesome," the director yelled out. "That's the take we're using for sure. The worry and doubt in your eyes were exquisite, Finn. And Sadie - just the right combination of caring and sass. Phenomenal! That's a wrap on episode 4. Be sure to go ahead and pick up your episode 5 scripts."

The duo nodded, a bit shy at all the praise, before heading to the script trailer together. Ten minutes later and Finn was walking briskly across the Stranger Things 3 lot, two copies of the Episode 5 script clutched in his hands. They had just been released to the cast today, even though they had been filming for months. The Duffers kind of liked to keep the cast in the dark to prevent any leaks, so until it was time to film a particular episode, none of the actors got any scripts for it. Sure, they had a vague idea of what was going to happen during the season, it had all been laid out to them during the first table read. But the finer points were kept on a need to know basis. So naturally Finn was excited to see what they had in store for his character in this episode.

He knew that this was an important episode between Mike and Will. The Duffers had sat him and Noah down yesterday, stressing the importance of what was going to happen. Finn had a few ideas of how it would all go down, but wasn't completely sure. He did know that they had to get it exactly right though - which was why he was on his way to Noah's trailer to go over their scenes together and get some practice in. They had made the plans last night. Finn had a couple of morning shoots to do with Millie and Sadie to wrap up Episode 4, but he told Noah that he would be done by noon and would pick up their new scripts and meet up at Noah's trailer to practice.

When one first hung around Noah Schnapp, one would think he wouldn't be into something as dull as practicing his lines. The boy's zany energy seemed to exist without limits, always either chatting your ear off or bouncing off the walls, unable to sit still. However, as Finn came to find out during Noah's masterful performance in Season 2, acting was the one thing Noah Schnapp took very seriously. Once those cameras started rolling, it was like he was a whole different person. All the apparent maturity he lacked suddenly made its appearance as the boy performed with the poise of someone twice his age. There were several points during the season that Finn was thankful that he took acting seriously himself, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to keep up with Noah.

That being said, that level of dedication doesn't come without hard work, and Noah performed in practice as earnestly as he did when the cameras were rolling. So there Finn was, striding quickly to get out of the sweltering Georgia heat. He was lucky all his scenes had been indoors today, and that the cast's trailers were air conditioned. He couldn't stand another moment outside, so he didn't think twice as he swung open the door to Noah's trailer without knocking.

One would think he would have been surprised at the scene laid out before him, but he really wasn't. There Noah was, right in the middle of his trailer, on a lounge chair. Only, he wasn't actually on the lounge chair. Maybe in the lounge chair would be a better way to describe it. The chair itself was comprised of strips of fabric criss-crossing each other in a relatively tight weave pattern. So under normal circumstances, you would never have to worry about falling through it, or even having a body part fit through it. But, if you worked at it, it was possible to open up holes between the strips, even large enough to fit a leg or an arm in.

And apparently Noah had worked at it a lot, because all four of his limbs were currently trapped within the confines of the chair. But, nothing surprised Finn when it came to Noah getting trapped in chairs. Not anymore. He had seen Millie's famous live stream where Noah had somehow gotten stuck in a folding chair. And he had seen the feat done firsthand last year during season 2 filming, where Noah had gotten stuck in a chair very similar to the one he was in now, and was only able to get free thanks to the combined efforts of Finn, Gaten, and Caleb. So it was with a rather monotone, unimpressed voice that Finn spoke up.

"Really? Again Noah?"

"F-finn!" Noah squeaked, stopping his struggle momentarily. "I, uh, didn't see you there. And, yeah. Again. Looks like it's now Chairs - 3, Noah - 0."

Finn tried to keep his face straight as he chose his next words. Or word. "Why?"

"Well," Noah cleared his throat awkwardly, "everyone is always giving me shit about how I've been beaten not once, but twice by chairs. And this one reminded me of the one from last year, so I thought I would try to get stuck and then free myself, kind of even the score a little bit."

It was true, the cast did give Noah a hard time every once in awhile about his furniture mishaps. So Finn could understand just a little bit where the other boy was coming from. However there was just one thing that Finn couldn't wrap his head around.

"And you're completely naked because...?"


Dun Dun DUNNNNNNN - If you would like to see how this ends, follow the link in my bio on my profile page. It goes to my account on AO3, another fanfic site.  But, that story will contain graphic and explicit sex.

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