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I was afraid. It wasn't the dark. No. The darkness had always been my friend. It was the fact that I was tied down in a strange lighthouse, many miles away from anything I knew. I was starting to question whether I should even help Mairen anymore. I pushed away the idea, but it was a recurring thought. She might have rescued me, but I didn't owe her this much. I took pity on her for what happened, but my pity wasn't going to keep me here much longer. Pebbles shifted from outside my window. I didn't bother listening. It was probably just an animal. But the noise got closer and closer. Then, a flash of light. Hands unlatched my cage and untied the strings that bound my wings.

"Mairen?" I hoped it was her.

"No. Just me." It was Finn. I stretched my wings, keeping my gaze on him. I didn't trust anything anymore. Not after what Alan did.

"Why did you come? How did you know what happened?" I asked, still very suspicious.

"I had a few errands to run, and a... person informed me about what happened."

"You're forgetting someone."

"Ah, yes. Mairen." Finn said. "Where did Alan put her?"

"I don't know." I flapped up to the windowsill and looked out over the fog-cloaked village. It was early morning, and the sun was just beginning to stain the sky a pastel pink. "But I think we can rule out the upstairs. Alan dragged something down the stairs."

"The dungeon." Finn whispered to himself.

"Is that bad...?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes and no. You see, the cells down there are warded against magic, so you can't get in or out without the key. And I happen to know exactly where Alan keeps it."

"And where would that be?"

"At the bottom of the ocean." Finn responded without hesitation.

"What! Do you even know what kind of monsters live down there? They can swallow ships whole. A single person is not even a crumb to them."

"Then it's a good thing I know a few of those creatures." Finn turned back towards the window. "Coming?" I was still in awe. There was so much I didn't know about him. But could I trust him? Everything that Mairen told me about him was evidence against trusting him. Then again, there wasn't much else I could do but trust him. So I took a leap of faith in following Finn. Mairen saved my life. And I was repaying the debt.

The One Who Was ChainedWhere stories live. Discover now