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The girl knew something that I did not. She knew exactly who had been knocking down the towers. I wanted to know. But in time, I probably would. We flew, to where, I could not guess. Her dark hair was plastered to her pale face. She looked somewhat tall, but then again, I was a hawk. The proportions were all confusing from my view. Her coffee eyes were fixed on some distant point.

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

"Wherever he is." Mairen's voice was filled with hate and mistrust. Whoever Finn was, he had done something to her.

"You have a history with Finn, don't you." It wasn't a question. She might not respond. But it was better than keeping silent.

"Queenie," She turned to me, "Does it matter? Because I don't particularly want you to hear it."

"Everyone's story matters. Maybe you don't think yours does, but if it will help us-"

"Us?" Mairen's dark glare intensified. "There is no us. There is only me, and I will be the one to save them. They will have to trust me again. They cannot cast out a hero."

"I don't need the credit. You can take it all. But I want to help you save this world, my world. Because there is nothing good out there. Mortals have turned their own world around and upside down with hate and greed. I don't want this last speck of hope to become dust as well. What is this world worth if I do not try to save it? What am I worth?"

"Queenie, I-" I stopped her.

"You don't need to apologize. You have the best intentions at heart. And I would like to think that I do too. Maybe we're not the heroes this world deserves. But at least we're trying."

"I can already see the storybook title. A Girl, her Wyvern and a Hawk Save the World." I laughed. I hadn't laughed in a long time. But things were starting to look up. Well, sort of. We still had an evil sorcerer to catch. But hey, if we were going to do it, we might as well have fun.

The One Who Was ChainedWhere stories live. Discover now