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Hi (wow, I'm really scared right now)

I am Kinjal and I am more of a poet and short story writer than a full fledged novella writer. So, this is new for me and I'm sure it'll be damn hard.

However, I'll try my level best to do justice to this story and anyone who does the epic task of giving this book a chance.

I will not claim that this book will replace your favourite book or that it's going to have profound revelations but it's still my baby and while I'd love feedback, I'd request you to be kind.

Okay then, not that the heart-to-heart is done and you've judged me as the loser I am, meet the characters:

Danielle Campbell as Ophelia Moon

Francisco Lachowski as Ajax Rivers

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Francisco Lachowski as Ajax Rivers

Francisco Lachowski as Ajax Rivers

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Zayn Malik as Omar Malik

Kylie Jenner as Juniper Florence

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Kylie Jenner as Juniper Florence

Kylie Jenner as Juniper Florence

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