Chapter 13

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Neena's POV

Huh...we leaving by 7pm dot....uhh momma whyy?..why today?...i dnt even go out for shopping not to talk of going round the city...mum will never change her mind i know...shitt
''We leaving today by 7'' huh...this is not happening
** phones ringing

Convo btw neena,chriss and muneer

M..heii neena
N...hei muneera sup...i missed you
C..guys..sup?...neena u missing sm1?
M...shut up chriss
N...hell Chriss! babyy i missed you so damn much sweetheart
M...emm emm neena ur not d ones here ok
N...oh oh sure neena,where are you two...u together?
C..Nah we not baby,im missing you so much hun...watchu doing?
M...well well well,guess im hanging up now..wen ur done call me neena...i love you all love birds
N...sure muneera...
C...neena hws everyone,i missed you badly baby
N...enough drama chriss...i missed you too duh....wait hold on i ll call you later ,i love you chriss
C...sure neena,i love you too

Shit...i missed the call...hell its muhammad...why is he calling...God knows.*ping*..a mesaage...

**heii you doing..i ll be home by 11..we ll be out by 1...i want to take you out for shopping...get ready ok...i love you**

Wow going out for muhammad lemme get ready huhu

Momma momma! I scream
''yes neena...why u shouting my name..wats wrong''mum says

''Im going out with muhammd before we leave....''i said smiling

''Is that why your so damn happy?and busy shouting my name?...huh ur such a babyy''mum says while giving me a dirty look and heeding to the dining area

'' just happy hes taking me out for shopping yaa..thats all nothing else..i swear''i said pouting

''Its ok..go get dressed...and ur putting on more English wears..get dat?''mum says

''Sure mum ...but i just have few''i said
''And you said no never?''i asked

''Yeah...and i mean it..Aunt khalthum gat lot of dem for dont worry baby...lets go i ll get you one myself''mum says

''Ok mum''i said heeding to my room

Huh...its already 12:50....muhammad will soon be shouting my name...huh...mum why not jeans and top...why mum..huh she wants me to always wear native..gosh..well we shall see....and who's this shouting my name again...huh

''Neena!..where you?''i heard muhammad says from the living room downstairs...

''Neena! ready?...Neena...lets go''..he add

'' coming mooha''....i answered..
Lemme just snap a picture first

Lemme just snap a picture first

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''Wow..muhammad you look so mashallah.....''i said as i look at him mouth open

''i said as i look at him mouth open

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''Oh thanks look amazing beutiful babe..u look so cute in native...mashallah...mama told me ur leaving by 7 huh?''muhammad said

''Ohh thanks'....
Yeahhh'i said as i pout and get into the car....

''Where we going now...huh muhammad?''he asked

''Well...emm shoprite first''he answered............

Hours later....
''Muhammad enough...its 4:30pm tired and u kw we leaving by 7''i said tiredly

''Yeahh sure...i know...and u not
hungry huh?....well lets go home den''muhammad says

''Yaar im starving...u want me dead huh?im so damn hungry mooha''i said grabbing his hands....

''Lets go and eat''i add

''Im not going again...we going straight home''muhammad says

''Let go of my hand neena''he add laughing

''Nahh mooha...lets go starving''i said

'Its ok..lets get going''muhammad replies

''We here neena..mezakici(what do u want)''muhammad says

''Emmm anything ''i answered

''Ok..''he says


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'' full...u done neena?''muhammad asked

''Yeahh sure lets go''

''Momma we home...momma u done packing huh?momma where u?mmma!..momma!''i keep shouting

''Im here hour remaining..its 5:45 nw..go pack up''momma says

''Im done packing...ntins remaining..lemme just take a nap''i replied

''Sure neena''momma replied

'' take care of yourself ok..i love regards to all of em''muhammad says

''Sure mooha..i love you too sweety''i say as we hug each other tight and say goodbye

Well well well....this is the end of this chapter...thank you so muchh for the votes and comment...i love so muchh..

Please dont forget...keep voting...

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