Chapter 15

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After ending the call with chriss....i ran back to my room...drank a glass of water and took a shower then get well dressed ....i put on my blue geans pairing it up with a black top.
''Its  7 am already..gatta call muneera''
I called muneera and we talked for like an hour...shs told me they ll be coming in so happy...i rushed to zahra's room and knocked

''Zahra...u in there?''

''Yeah coming''she answered

''Come in''she add

''Wow wow...what are you doing..packing?''i asked

''Nah...just arranging them...u kw im leaving i started arranging the ones i need the most in that bag''she answered

'' when we going out for shopping?ehen i phone called muneera some hours ago...she told me they ll be here in 2months''i said

''Oh so happy..just done with a call ryt nw...nabeela is coming too''zahra said

''Well...theres gonna be a big party i guess''i said dancing

''Sure...we going out by 12...maleek is driving us''zahra saaid
''Maleek!''..i said

'' gonna meet my  childhood so happy...though we always fight''i said

''Yeah neena..u are meeting him today...he's all grown up u know''zahra said

''Really...cant wait''i said

''Now go and tidy your room i know you dnt do that huh''

''Yeahh Sure''i said as i heed to my room

Oh i forgot to tell mum bout chriss....gotta go..
''Momma..momma''i started shouting from the balcony

''Open the d-o-o-r''i said silently as mum was giving me some kind of looks

''How many times will i tell u to stop shouting my name neena...if u need smtin come and meet me..u hear me?''momma said angrily

''Yes sorry,i wont do that again''i said with not wanting to look at her

''So now sup..why u calling me?''momma asked

''Mum..wanted to tell this..chriss gat a job a asibiti(in a hospital) kuma su nabeela da muneera zasuzo nanda wata biyu(and nabeela and muneera are coming in 2months)''i said happily looking at her face now

''Dukansu?(u mean all of dem)''she asked

''Yeahh all of them including Adam and Abdul''i answered

''We talked yesterday but Adam didnt mention that...''mum said

''Really? But muneera told me and zahra did too''i said

''Well will call em tomorrow ''momma said

''Sure mum''i said as i left to granny's room

''Granny granny...where you''i shouted

Huh...couldnt find her..well lemme check her reading room...ahh shes not there..

''Granny''i shouted again

''granny's is out...she went for check up...buh she ll be back soon beautiful'' a woman in her 30th said

''Ohh thank you ma'am''i said smiling

''Im Ameena..u can call me Amal''she said walking toward ne

''Ohh im me neena..nice to meet you Amal''i said shaking her hand

''You must be Aisa 's daughter?''she asked

''Yeah i am..who you?''i said

'' Aisa's cousin...just arrived from kaduna bfr granny went out''she said

''Oh oh..your welcome Aunt''i said
''Lemme go call mum''i add

''Momma ...momma!''oh she warned me damn

''Mum...Aunt Amal is here''i said softly

''Amal kuma(amal?)..''she asked

''Yeahh your cousin...shes in grannis''momma was out before i conclude...thats my mum for you
And i as the only daoughter i run after her

''Amal!''momma shouted ..have to block my ears

''Asia..long time''Amal replied and they huged each other smiling

''Well...guess i should leave you guys here...i ll be back though lemme check on zahra''i said
''Lemme bring you smtin to refresh first''i add

''Sure neena''they both said and burst out laughing

Haneena's pov
As im walking i keep wondering...Amal..mum's comes i ve never seen her before...even in mums album...shes not there...well maybe there are lot of such but im gonna meet them inshallah.....yeahh sure

''There you are mum''i said as i keep the plate of juice and basket mixed fruites....imagening how i manage to grab them all at a time?..*laughing*

As i heed zahra's room..i can hear some cracks...maybe bottles or something glassy....*ooops* whats that...OMG a cat...i love cats...i started to chase that cat until i grab her right into my arms....''ohh pussy cat..whats your name?'' gat a new momma from now on....ll take care of you baby...emm i name you amusse...thats a cute name...i love yoh amusse''i said as i knock at zahra's room...


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'' the door'i said

''Its open..come in neena''she said

As i entered the room was disorganized...everything was scartered...and i can see some broken glasses and bottles...

''Watch out..ur feet''zahra said
''U ll have step on a broken glass''she add

''Oh thak you..look what a found..''i said

''A cat!?''she shouted

''Yeahh...a dnt like?''i said coming close to her

''Yeahh..and stop right there..i hate cats...please''she said with a scary voice

'' sorry....buh u love dem when we were kids remember?''i question her

''Yeah...thats then...not anymore''she answered

''Ok''i said as i let amusse go...i ll get back to you later amusse

This chapter ends here guys...hope your enjoying the book...keep voting keep commenting...i love you guys so muchh....thanks for the little votes im kind of lightens my mood:)

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