Miss A: ok here y'all go. call me wen y'all done!
Patrick: ok
20 mins later
Mrs long: Breeding?
Varia/Patrick: *stands up*
Mrs long: come on care bars
Varia: *whispers to Patrick* lol what?
Patrick: lol idk
Mrs long: *shuts the door* you my sit down!
Varia/Patrick: *sits down*
Mrs long: so..going on with your relationship?
Varia/Patrick: *silent*
Mrs long: so..I heard y'all was having problems?
Patrick: ya
Mrs long: abuse?
Varia: ya!
Mrs long: I can tell by your face!...so Mr breeding....why you hit Mrs breeding?
Patrick: cause she gets on my nerves!
Mrs long: how?
Patrick: with her slick mouth!
Mrs long: ...so you hit her?
Patrick: yes!
Mrs long: do you like hitting her?
Patrick:.........a lil bit
Varia: Oh!! really?
Mrs long: does it make you feel good?
Patrick: yea... wen I'm angry...I just like... take it all out on her!
Varia: *eyes get watery*
Mrs long: do you love her?
Patrick: yes of course
Mrs long: it's fake love!
Patrick: No!
Mrs long: if you really "love" her you wouldn't hit her!
Mrs long: so Mrs Lavaria... how you feel?
Varia: *tear drops* idk *wipes her tear*
Mrs long: Mr Patrick do you like seeing her cry?
Patrick: No
Mrs long: how do you feel wen you see her cry?
Patrick: sad
Mrs long: your pregnant?
Varia: yes
Mrs long: Patrick?
Patrick: yea?
Mrs long: you wanna lose your baby?
Patrick: No
Mrs long: do you kno you lose your baby with all this bs your doing to her?
Patrick: yes
Varia: smh
Mrs long: do y'all have any plans for you guys future?
Patrick: yes
Varia: is it time to go yet?
Mrs long: *looks at the clock* yep... ok I'll see y'all next week at.,..5:30?.
Varia: I guess
Mrs long: ok byeee!
Patrick: bye!