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Patrick: so your leaving me?!

Varia: yes!

Patrick: why!

Varia: I just can't do this!

Patrick: ok fine leave idgaf no more!

Varia: I don't either!

Patrick: and I have another girl anyways!

Varia: idgaf if you had another dog! bitch *zipping up her suitcase* well

...... goodbye

Patrick: bye!!

Varia: *starts laughing*

Patrick: whats funny?!

Varia: you

Patrick: and tell that pussy nigga Byron I said imma beat his ass wen I see him!!

Varia: that's racist and boy Byron and worried about you! like he said sit yo skinny ass down somewhere!

Patrick : what tf ever

Varia: ight I'm done talking to you Patrick bye!

Patrick: bye!

love hurts-Patrick Breeding storyWhere stories live. Discover now