Drinks and Stolen Kisses

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Dick hated being treated like a rookie. Especially by cops, he knew were bent. But, that was part of his job here in Blud Haven. Cop by day, sorting out crime from the inside. Nightwing by night, sorting out crime the more efficient way. It didn't make taking the crap from his 'superiors' any easier. But at least their sudden need for decent coffee meant he could get outside for a bit.

He looked up at the sky as he walked back to the precinct, hands laden with coffee cups. The sky was cloudy, mainly from pollution rather than clouds. But the sun was trying to break through. Dick wished it would, that would make his day.

He was still looking up at the sky as he rounded the corner. He swore loudly as he collided with something solid, sending the many cups of hot coffee down his front.

'We really need to stop meeting like this.'

The familiar croaky voice made him look up in an instant.

'Joey? What are you doing here?'

'Not stalking you I swear.' The blonde laughed, helping him pick up the mess. 'My dad's recently moved here for a job, I'm short on cash so I've moved back with him.' He explained before looking Dick's uniform up and down. The coffee had stained his shirt pretty badly, turning the material ever so slightly translucent. 'I'm really sorry about the coffee.'

'No, it was my fault.' Said Dick, frustrated with himself. 'I wasn't looking where I was going.' He brushed at the front of his shirt fruitlessly. When he looked back up at his companion he couldn't help but laugh at the irony that this was how they were meeting again.

'How are you anyway?'

'Well, except for moving back in with my old man, I'm great.'

'I can relate.' Chuckled Dick, though Joey's expression was doubtful. 'I've got to get back to work.' He was about to say his goodbyes when Joey stopped him.

'Are you busy tonight?' He asked.

Other than prancing around Blud Haven in spandex, thought Dick, but he answered, 'Not really.'

'I know literally no one in this city. Do you wanna grab a drink or something?'

Dick hesitated. There it was again, that feeling in his chest. The feeling he had made him want to keep his meeting with Joey a secret from Bruce. He should say no. Trust his instincts. But Joey didn't have anyone, and the look on his face said he wanted him to say yes.

'Sure. Here's my number.' Dick fished a card out of his pocket. 'I get off work at six. Give me a call and we can hang.' We can hang! What kind of loser says that. Dick mentally facepalmed.

Joey took the card and tucked it into his wallet, seemingly ignorant of Dick internally kicking himself.

'I'll see you tonight then?' He smiled and it made the feeling in Dick's chest intensify.

They went their separate ways, Dick went to purchase more coffee before heading back to the station.

'Where you been, Grayson!' Shouted one of the officers when he finally placed the coffee on the table in the break area twenty minutes later. Dick looked at the clock and realised he been nearly two hours.

'Had a bit of an accident and got held up.' He said, indicating to the front of his shirt which was now dry but was still heavily stained with coffee.

'You know for a circus brat you really are a klutz.'

Dick ignored him, brat and Klutz were nowhere near the worst names he had been called in his lifetime. Reacting to and caring about the name calling was exhausting and he had long since given up both. Instead, he went back to his desk and back to his work, unconsciously counting the hours until the end of his shift.

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