Phone Calls and Choices

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'He knows who we are, we can't just leave this alone anymore.' Jason was pacing around the living room.

'By the sounds of it, Wilson has known our identities for years and he hasn't acted upon it. I don't think he's interested in going public with the information.' Said Tim, level-headed as always.

'No, he's just after Grayson.' Said Damian, arms crossed, leaning against the piano. 'How the hell did he know about him anyway?'

Bruce sighed deeply. 'Dick's eyes started changing colour just before he ran away from home and joined the Titans. Deathstroke probably caught sight of them and from his history with the court put two and two together.'

'Do you think we should be worried about what Joey said?' Said Jason, pausing his stride for a moment to look down at Bruce on the couch. 'About the court coming for him?'

'It was always a possibility, but that is a problem for another time. Right now we need to focus on keeping Nightwing away from the mercenary.'


Dick sat on the rooftop of Wayne Manor, looking up at the night sky full of stars. He'd first come up here the night he arrived at Wayne Manor. Eight years old, terrified, unsure of his future. Now here he was, twenty-two, terrified and still unsure of his future. But the rooftop still had the same calming effect, the feeling of being up high and safe from all the troubles that were on the ground.

His phone started to ring in his pocket, he straightened his leg against the roof tiles so that he could free it from the confines of his tight jeans. It was a withheld number.


'Hello, Richard?'

The voice was not Joey's, but it was one he recognised just as easily.

'Slade.' He said, keeping the fear from his voice. He wasn't going to bother wondering how Deathstroke got hold of his phone number.

'You found out my name.'

'Seems only fair, don't you think? You seem to know so much about me.'

'Indeed I do little owl. And you must know there is only one way this can end.'

'With you behind bars.' Dick offered. The hatred was starting to boil his blood. He could feel the familiar twitching in his fingertips, a growing need to release the thing inside him.

'I know the names of all your little family. Bruce, Jason, Timothy, Damian. All it takes is one phone call and their names go out to every inmate in Arkham.'

Dick froze, a leak of their identities would be the end of Batman, the end of Gotham...the end of his family. His father, his brothers would either be killed or arrested. Slade took his silence as an understanding.

'You're a smart boy, I'm sure you can understand the deal I am offering.'

'Why are you doing this to me?' Dick whispered, knowing he didn't have a choice.

'You're a force to be reckoned with Nightwing. More so once you harness the Talon DNA inside you. In the chess game, I am playing against the court, you are an important piece that I would prefer to be by my side than against me.'

Dick growled. Why did everyone suddenly think he was going to join the Court of Owls! He expressed this to Slade but the man merely gave a dark chuckle.

'Do you really think they will allow their Gray son to walk free? No, they are waiting for the right moment. Then they will come for you. But, I can protect you.'

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