Come together

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Jacob POV

Michael is performing come together today Ahh he's so cute just look at him

Michael POV

I am performing today and I'm so excited to see the fans you can just hear the energy and excitement back here on stage we said a prayer and then I walked on stage

Once the music started he began singing and the energy filled the the room

Jacob was in the crow having a good time watching Michael perform and the way his hips were moving he was feeling it

Jacob POV

The way he moving his hips and thrusting is turning me on yo damn I see why the ladies go crazy over him and always want to touch him that why he always wear belts to cover it up but from my view you can see it clearly it's the biggest thing on his body people just don't notice cause he always cover up that something very important to him which I understand

Michael POV

I heard fans singing along to the music and having a good time this is what I love seeing making my fans happy

They all did a pose cause the music was over and then Michael walked off stage

Jacob was in the bathroom that he didn't even the show was over

Michael: Where's Jacob(walked on the bus)

Siedah: I don't I thought he was in here

Michael: I'll be back

He walked back in the building and went to find Jacob 

Jacob just finished washing his hands and walked in he saw that the show was over and didn't even notice

Michael: There you are I have been looking for you

Jacob: Sorry I was in the bathroom

Michael: well come on everybody is waiting

Jacob: ok let's go

They walked  back to the bus and got on the rode

Everybody told Michael that he did amazing and Jacob was in the back

Michael: Thanks y'all

He went to the back where Jacob was at and saw him sitting down

Michael: Hey

Jacob: Hey

Michael: are you ok(sat next to him)

Jacob: yes I'm fine ... you did amazing by the way

Michael: Thanks

Jacob: your welcome where we going home

Michael: Home

Jacob: Alright well I'm going to sleep

Michael: ok and can I use your laptop

Jacob: Sure

He went to sleep and Michael got on his 💻

They were on their way and Jacob fell asleep

Los Angeles California

Michael POV

We made it home so I woke Jacob up to tell him that we made it

Jacob POV

Michael woke me up and said that we made it home so I got my bag and walked off the bus everyone told us goodbye then we walked in the house

Once they walked in the house the bus drove off and took everyone home

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