Los Angeles

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Jacob POV

It was a beautiful night in Los Angeles I love my hometown I just had to snap a picture the view is so beautiful

Michael POV

We out on top of the Hollywood sign and babe wanted to snap a picture of his hometown Los Angeles to be honest it is a beautiful city at night everything is beautiful when I first came here with my family I gotten homesick but now I gotten use to it and it's like a second home to as well

Jacob: well we can go home now

Michael: Alright

They got in the car and went home it was going to be a long ride to Neverland

Gate of Neverland

Michael POV

We finally made it home and I unlocked the door it felt so good in here

Jacob POV

We walked in and it felt so good in here yo I swear that cold air hit the spot

They both took a 🚿 and went to bed

Jacob: Goodnight

Michael: Goodnight

He turned the light off and they had falling asleep with the air hitting them

Next Morning

Jacob POV

I swear I'm pissed off somebody named Tatiana asked me about Michael

Michale POV

Bro Tatiana trying to mess up my relationship and she's messing it up for me

Michael: Babe wait

Jacob: who the fuck is that Michael

Michael: Jacob I told you already who she was ....

Jacob: so you doing shit behind my back now

Michael: Jacob you know that not true u can't believe what she's telling you

Jacob: Michael you guys had a thing

Michael: and you know she doesn't mean anything to me and you know that whatever we had it's not there anymore

Jacob: then prove it

Michael: Babe

Jacob: if there's nothing going on then prove it or we're over Michael I'm not playing

Michael didn't want to lose Jacob so he proved it by showing him

Tatiana got upset and stormed off she thought her planned worked but it didn't

Michael: I'm sorry

Jacob: it's ok sorry I reacted

Michael: so are you still mad at me

Jacob: no I'm not

Michael: ok

Jacob gave him a big kiss and Michael got into it

Jacob: well let's just go home to avoid anything else that might happen

Jacob: ok come on

Michael unlocked the door and they were on their way home

Once they made it home Jacob got in a fight with his Ex and it got messier that Michael had to break up the fight

Michael: Babe come on let go(Michael was strong enough to break up the fight)

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