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Michael POV

Today is June 13th 2007 the year I lost the love of my life since then I haven't been the same I miss him so much I came and visit his graveyard whenever I have the chance...I told myself when I die I want to be hurried next to him so that way we can be together forever ....so I placed a 🌹 down on his gravestone and looked at it one last time before leaving ...by the way I sold my Neverland home that no longer exist so now I am heading home to Hombly Hills California the home I've been living in

Bill drove off and took him home he knew how much Michael miss Jacob and didn't feel like himself anymore but when it comes down to his kids he will do anything for them but he knows that Jacob is looking down on him as a beautiful angel


Michael POV

I made it home and my beautiful children came up to me ahhh the joys of being a father I always have a smile on my face they are growing up so fast I love sharing these moments with them

His good friend was getting dinner ready for tonight and Michel locked himself in the room ...He wasn't hungry and told them to go ahead ...he usually doesn't Sleep either but he decided to try and go to sleep

He turned the light off and had slowly began falling asleep

Next Morning

Michael POV

I was outside waiting on my mother to pull up I haven't seen her in so long the kids were excited but I had to stop Paris and Blanket from running in the street..Ahh there she is the women who taught me everything

Michael: Hello mother

Mrs.Jackson: Hello been a while

Michael: I know the kids miss you

They came up to her and gave her the biggest hug and he helped her in the house ....they had a good conversation and catch up she asked him how he holding up since the death of his husband

The day went by but it was time for his mother to go home...he helped her get into the car and wished her a goodnight

Michael put the kids to bed and told them goodnight ...he waited for them to go to sleep and went to the living room

He grabbed a newspaper and made him some tea to help with his immune system and other health problems he have to deal with as well

Michael POV

The kids are asleep so I came downstairs made me some tea and read a newspaper I'm having health issues as I get older ...today was an ok day I guess I got to see my mother who aging but still looks beautiful no matter how old she gets and my dad well let's just say he still the same plus my brothers are aging as well I haven't talked to them in awhile as well maybe because I don't feel like talking to anybody and they all know I'm going though a lot and want me to get better but it's just really hard for me right now....it's lonely in this house without Jacob here so it's just me and the kids sometimes I wish he was still here with us but he's not he doesn't hasn't to suffer or be in pain anymore he's a beautiful angel now but we do miss him We still have a few of his things around the house to remind of us of him I know he wants me to move on but I chose not to he was the only one who truly loved me and didn't judge me that's what made me fall in love with even more ...I miss that smile and eyes oh his as well he always knew what to do in situations like this and it's crazy after his death I had signed the divorce papers it was hard but in my heart we are still married and always will be ...I looked outside and it started to rain a little I stared at the stars at night and one of the flashed...I knew it was Jacob

Michael: I miss you Jacob I love you goodnight

Then the star was gone...Michael went upstairs and got some sleep or at least try

The kids got scared of the thunderstorm and Michael calmed them down and said it's just the rain ...then he put them back to bed

Michael slowly walked out and went back to the room ...he had a feeling about his bedroom he saw a shadow not a scary shadow but Jacob shadow ...but when Michael touched it he was gone he gotten sad

So he went back to bed after that and earlier today the kids wanted to send a balloon up to the sky for their day to say that they miss him so much and love him

He missed then as well and wish he could come back to 🌏 but he knew he couldn't go back cause he's in angel now but he will always watch out and look out for his family while up there with the angels

Michael mother sickness has been getting worse but she knew god has better things for her and for the rest of children and grandchildren

As for Michael him and Elizabeth still haven't got in contact yet but as much as he misses her she's out here doing her thing but he hopes they make up soon cause he literally has no one besides his children and family

Elizabeth missed Michael as well Hey fell off a long time ago and she knows what Michael is going through since the lost of his husband but hopes to reconnect with him and works things out as well...their friendship was a lot back in the day but a lot happens over the years as you get older

Next chapter is coming

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