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A few seconds after I arrived at the stop, the bus arrived. I hurriedly got on a breathed a sigh of relief.


I squeezed my way into the only empty spot; a corner of the crowded bus. As the doors started to close, I smiled.








"Wait! Don't leave!"

My smile immediately faded away and a look of disbelief and shocked took it's place. My eye started twitching.

Arrgghh!!!! This guy just won't leave me alone!!

As the does opened, the blonde haired boy climbed in.

That's when I saw a tiny detail that I had missed earlier. We were wearing the same uniforms.

Shoot! He goes to my school too?! WTH??!!

I tried to hide behind the silhouette of the man in front of me, fingers crossed.

His eyes scanned the bus for an empty spot to stand. And he found one. Right in front of me.

He made his way to where I was standing. I started to break into cold sweat. He stopped about a foot away. Slowly, he inched closer closing the distance. We were facing each other, with only a few millimeters between us. I didn't dare look up. I could feel him breathing, softly on my hair.


I cleared my throat I and shuffled backwards. He followed after me.


My back hit the corner of the bus. Too nervous to be face to face with him, I quickly turned around and faced the wall. I could feel him stepping in right behind me.

What the heck is he doing?! This is so awkward!!!


My hair was tied up in a bun, and I was pretty sure that he could see the goosebumps starting form.

I felt a slight breeze on my neck. I froze. Once again, he blew softly on my ear.

"Hey, did you really think you could escape me?" He whispered.

I shivered. His voice was so....

" I won't forget the gifts you gave me today. It's seems that we're in the same school too. Looks like we'll be making lots of memories together, be prepared" he teased in a low menacing voice.

Oh boy.

I stood still frozen in place, still in shock. I heard him sigh.


He whirled me around to face him. He lowered his face to where we were eye level.

"Hey? I'm talking to you,"

Lord, help me.

I shut my eyes close, tightly.

"I'm still here,"





I opened one eye, to check if a miracle happened and he vanished.

His face was just millimeters away. He smirked.

"Still here,"

I closed my eyes again, this time praying really hard.

"God, if you make this person disappear in the next 30 seconds, I promise that I won't ever kill a person in my life"

I opened my eyes again, this time confident that he had vanished from the face of the earth and ended up on Mars.

The guy in front of me giggled. I started turning 50 shades of red.

God has a weird sense of humor.

Suddenly, he trapped me between the wall and him, with hands on either side of me.


"Don't ignore me. I'll make you regret it. Look at me,"

I shook my head, trying to sort out my mind.

"Look at me"

The bus stopped in front of our school.

"Look at me"

People started filing off. We weren't following. I finally set my head straight...

                        "Look at me"

...and now, I was pissed off .

I kneed him ...there..., blew raspberries at him, and stomped/ran off the bus.

Arrgh, that jerk! Who did he think he is?!

I briskly walked up to the school's gate.

Seroun High. This was going to be my life the next year.

"Hwaiting" I whispered to myself, before walking through the gates.

(A/N) Ommmggg! Sorry it took so long to finally update! ㅠㅠ

So I had finally found the perfect pictures to go with each chapter and then....they disappeared.OTL,This is my life...u_u Anyways, hope you enjoyed the long-awaited chapter! Saranghae Lovelies!.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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