let's go to the concert

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"Daffney wrote me and she said that you for me like I ain't already for somebody"

~Autumn pov~ (Atlanta)

Peacefully sleeping in my comfy queen sized bed , Before I heard a hard ass FBI knock coming from my front door . I quickly woke up and grabbed my 33 from under my mattress , walking at a fast pace but quietly .I aimed my gun directly at the door and swung that bitch open not even looking threw the peep hole.

"The fuck you doing bitch don't kill me yet i'm trying to get some dick with no complications tonight!" my best friend Aaliyah said in one breath . I let out a sigh

"Bitch what chu doing ova here so damn late , banging on my damn door like you the FBI or some shit!" . I said with a mean ass mug on my face . Best friend or not don't wake me out of my sleep .

"Well let me in and i'll explain hoe" Aaliyah said "and put that gun down you fucking criminal!"

"I ain't no criminal , if you on my property I got the right to shoot cho ass" I shrugged

"Bitchhhh if you don't quit talking like you know the law and shit" Aaliyah said while giggling

"akikiki my ass I know my damn Miranda rights , 12 don read them to me enough times for me to know"

"Shit you ain't lying you been to jail bout..." Aaliyah started but i cut ha off

"Aaliyah shut yo ass up and stop telling my business out loud like that you don't know who be listening" I said with my meanest mug looking around

She rolled ha eyes

"Now bring yo loud mouth ass in" I crack the door open some more so she could come in

Aaliyah walked in the house

"I don't know how you could live in this big ass house by yourself"

"I entertain myself" I shrugged and closed the door

Thing is ion need no one to get turnt , shoo my ass get turnt by myself

"So what chu need knocking at my door so late in the damn night" I crossed my arms

"Bitch it's only 10:30 pm"

"Okay and bitch that's late" I said in an annoyed voice

"Well while your up here pressed and shit guess what ya favorite bitch got" Aaliyah said while cheesing so damn hard

"Nah I don't like playing yo damn guessing game, you remember what happened last time "I said rolling my eyes and sighing remembering that shit

"How was I suppose to know the dog was gon attack you , they said it was trained" Aaliyah said shrugging ha shoulders

"Aaliyah you with that bullshit" I said pointing to her

"How?" she said rolling her eyes

"Because bitch you bought that shit from some crack heads of course they was gon say anything to get yo dolla , sho they probably would've sucked yo dick and you don't even got one" I said semi-yelling

"The dog ain't even look that bad "Aaliyah said low

"Bitch "the dog" was cross eyed and limping" I sighed rubbing my head

"Anyways I apologized didn't I"

"Yeah sure whatever , what chu ova here for this my last time asking you"

"Alright so I won some tickets from an app and guess who concert it is" Aaliyah asked excited

"Bitch you know what" I sighed

"Just answer" Aaliyah said clapping her hands

"Justin Bieber"

Aaliyah expression dropped the minute I said it and held a straight face

"Now you know we don't mess with snow bunny's round here" Aaliyah said

"But wasn't you just fucking one last weekend" I asked with a confused look

"Bitch like I said dick with no complications"

"But anyways" Aaliyah said taking a dramatic pause

"I got NBA Young Boy concert tickets bitch!" Aaliyah said while hopping up and down clapping ha damn hands like a fool

I stood there mugging tf outta her holding my clip tightly

"What" Aaliyah looked at me confused

"yo ass up here akikkiing and blushing and shit ova that dent headed bitch" I said

"ion know what chu mad for and he's a sexy dent head bitch for yo info" Aaliyah said rolling her neck

"SeXy DeNt HeAd" I mocked her

"I don't care what he is ion want to go"

"But he gang tho" Aaliyah said with a puppy dog face

"And I ain't got no type of "gang" related business with him so what i'm going fo" I rolled my eyes

"To listen to the songs duh" Aaliyah said mugging me

"No is my final answer" I shrugged

"But remember you said that you'll go with me for my birthday" Aaliyah said with puppy eyes

"Well I changed my mind now" I said sitting down on my couch

"Nah autumn you put that on gang you'll go with me"

"No" I said rolling my eyes

"Please we'll just stay for 2 songs then leave I promise" she said getting on one knee with a pleading look

I sighed "Fine bitch just 2 songs and i'm out that bitch"

"Yay" Aaliyah screamed jumping up and down

She bent over and gave me a tight hug

"Yah yah enough of this sap shit get off me!" I chuckled a lil bit

"Come on we gotta get ready" Aaliyah squealed

"Yay" I said sarcastically

Aaliyah dragged me up to my room to get dressed

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