High as a kite ( part 2)

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"One who adore me, go to war do anything for me

~Autumn pov~

I just happened to look at the wall beside Ben and seen a figure and jumped causing everyone to look at me.

"Am I trippin or is my dad standing right there" I pointed to the wall

"ion even know go check I ain't trying to die" KD said

"No nigga you go , maybe you can flap your ears 3 times and wish his ass the fuck home"

Everyone started geeking at what I said I got up and walked over to the figure and touched it's belly and bald head and I realized it was my dad , Bird man

''Ahh shit dad'' I jumped a little almost stumbling over

"Hey what you doing here" I playfully slapped his chest and played innocent

"No the question is what are you doing over here and dressed like that" he asked

"See what happened was armstrong..... yeah neil armstrong came and picked me up and was like "I wanna take you on a date" , right next thing you know i'm dressed up like this and on a damn rocket ship going to space...... After he dropped me off , I randomly floated in this house and smoked a blunt by mistake" I shrugged looking around.

Everyone was geeking

"You sound dumber than a bitch" Aaliyah laughed

KD rolled on the ground kicking his feet being extra and shit

I straight faced everybody . My dad grabbed my arm and led me back to the couch halfway

"Sit down and just stay there" my dad laughed a little bit

I walked the rest of the way and tried to get slumped on the couch but accidentally sat on YB lap . I was uncomfortable so I started moving back and forth to get in a spot , YB started groaning and held my hips still. I was confused to what was poking my butt.

"Why you got your gun right there" I said getting up a little and sitting down

Everyone started laughing and I just sat there confused and high asf

"Ion think that was a gun sus" Aaliyah said jumping up and down

"Then what..." I was stopped dead in my tracks when Ben yelled

"IT'S HIS DICK BEST FRIEND" Ben yelled laughing

YB came up to my ear and whispered

"Sho that ain't my gun but my back shots fire" He rub my butt a little without anyone looking .I started to get wet so I hopped off his lap and sat on the actually couch this time , looking around. It's time for you to lay down.

I put my head on Yb lap and feet on Aaliyah and I was out like a light

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