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"Best believe she calling me"

~Autumn pov~

-the next day-

I woke up and just stayed in the bed for a few minutes looking up to the ceiling and around.

I finally got up and went in the bathroom and did my hygiene before going down the stairs and fixed me some cereal cause ya bitch did not feel like cooking today at all .

"Uhhhh" I said as someone knocked on my door

"Maybe if I don't say anything they'll go away" I whispered to myself and continued to eat my cereal

Another hard ass knock with multiple other ones hit my door , I got up and went to the door

"Hola yo wrong do" I yelled in a accent at the door threw the peep hole

"Bitch we know a ghetto hoe when we hear one open this damn door" KD yelled and banged on the door

I sighed and opened up the door KD , Boomer , Aaliyah , Yb , Ben , Joe , and another nigga that was unknown to me was at the front door

"What the hell y'all think this is , a damn family reunion the fuck all y'all niggas doing ova here" I rolled my eyes as they came in anyways

"We just came to eat" Ben shrugged and sat down at my table with the rest of them

"Well I ain't cook nothing so y'all ass got invited to the wrong house" I walked and sat on the couch grabbing the tv remote

"What you mean you ain't cook" Aaliyah semi-yelled from the table

"I said what I mean and I meant what the fuck I said" I chuckled to myself and flicked threw the channels

YB came and sat next to me on the couch

"Yo ankle still sprained" I turned to him

"Nah i'm good now I just put some ice on there yesterday" he shrugged looking at his leg

"That shit look swollen to me" I looked at it

"It ain't swollen" he mushed my head

Hmph I told him bout touching me , I grabbed his ankle

"Ahhhhhh" he yelled and grabbed my hand

"I thought it was good" I tilted my head to him

He smacked his teeth

"Thought so" I got up and went to the kitchen

"You bout to cook" Kd clapped his hands

"No i'm helping y'all friend that y'all obviously don't give a fuck about" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the ice pack

"We do care about him that's are brudda" Joe said throwing up a 4kt sign

"Well why y'all let y'all BrUdDa in here limping like he got sum stuck up his damn ass" I semi-yelled

"We thought he had just got some good ass head from you" Ben shrugged

"Shut up blackboard looking ass muthafucka" I rolled my eyes and kept walking back to Yb

"Pull up yo pants" I signaled for him to pull them up

He pulled up the bottom of his pants to reveal his ashy ass ankles

"Now Yb i'm saying this with all the love in my heart.....why the fuck do it look like you rolled around in some damn snow"

"It's summer it's to hot for lotion" he shrugged and looked away

"Ouuu chillllee" I whispered to myself as I placed the ice pack on his dry ass ankles

"Them baby's begging for some moisturizer" I whispered and kissed my hand placing it on his ankles

"Man come sit down talking bout my ankles and shit" he pulled me down next to him and wrapped his arm around my shoulders

"Well excuse the fuck outta me and them thirsty ass ankles" I held my chest 

He chuckled and grabbed the remote and went to Youtube and started playing his music

As he started rapping to hypnotized , I just sat there humming it on my phone scrolling threw Instagram

"Lies that's what they told me I never asked for shit at night , only for you to hold me" he recorded us singing so I decided to join in shit

"I did it out of love baby , never said you owe me , now I don't wanna fuck with you it's go kill me slowly" I threw up 4kt sign and I laughed hiding behind Yb's back

"Sorry to interrupt y'all lil love thing or whatever y'all got going on over here but ummm we got to say sum" Boomer said the rest of the gang on the side of him

"There ain't nun going on over hea" I shrugged looking at Yb then tv

"That wasn't what y'all lips was saying on that porch" one of them mumbled

"It was a momentarily thing" I semi-yelled turning around

"Oh she knows a big word" Joe said smiling clapping his hands

"Y'all can hop off ha case what ch'all want anyway" Yb mugged them looking back

"Energggyyyy" Aaliyah stuck out ha tongue, I rolled my eyes

"What y'all want" I said annoyed

"So we were thinking of going to this party down the street" the unknown one said

"Who are you" I asked confused

"3three but you can call me Beenie" he nodded at me

"Oh ight well why y'all ain't tell us earlier" I looked at them

"Because we didn't think y'all would want to" Aaliyah shrugged

"And why's that" I asked annoyed

"Well that nigga over there limping" she pointed to YB

"And he needs a adult sitter" she pointed to me

"Ehh ehh I ain't volunteer for shit" I shook my head turning back around

"Well who else do we got to do it" KD shrugged

"Y'all niggas duh it's like what 5 of y'all do any mini minie moe the fuck" I looked at them crazy

"Please just this one time" Ben said with a pleading look

I looked at Yb and sized him , he sized me back

I sighed "fine but once he start eating all my food i'm dropping him off at the the post office i'm not playing"

"Yes" they dabbed each other up and walked out the door

Well all I have to say is GOOD LUCK AUTUMN

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