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Jolting up in her once peaceful sleep Conjured gasped out and panted. Her hair clung to her features and bare shoulders. Looking around her home she saw shackles and bloodied torture tools. Shaking like a kitten without it's mother Conjured slid back as a large mass moved to her. A dark sickly evil grin spread over the features of the black force before Conjured.  When she tried to cry out her voice was cut off. Her vocal cords where pinched my the fear that welded deep within her chest and mind. Tears streamed down her features as the mass reached for her. It spoke her name in a deep demonic love. It's tone grew louder and louder until it pierced past her ears and into her mind jolting it to reality.

"CONJURED!!" Nuada cried desperately. Releasing it's hold on her mind the mass disappeared and she looked out gasping. Her eyes fell onto the soft yet panicked one's of Nuada as he held onto her tightly. Realizing she was not in the dungeon of her fears Conjured collapsed into her lover's arms panting and sobbing. He held her close to his body, warming her now frozen limbs. Sweat clung to her skin as she leaned into Nuada's uncovered chest. He slid his hand to her cheek and gently lifted her head to meet his gaze. She could barely make out his features through the tears falling down her cheeks.

"What happened love..." Nuada asked his voice soft and gentle as he addressed his lover's fear stricken gaze. Conjured fought to speak but felt nothing come from her mouth as she opened it. He simple kissed her softly and gently leaned back pulling his lover down with him. Once on his back Conjured curled her body into his with her head resting against his chest. The smooth and steady beat of Nuada's heart soothed Conjured until she felt sleep over come her senses. As she drifted off once more she thought to herself grimly. Back into the Land Of fears.

Gunpowder filled Conjured's nostrils as she clashed with a golden soldier. Her spirit was strong but body stronger. Her scythe sliced down a soldiers body as she fell back. Its metallic arm crashed into her body sending her flying to the gears beyond. She rolled and fell between two of the gears gripping onto the carved out edges for dear life. The metal torso piece she wore caved in as she was crushed between the two gears. Conjured cried out in agony as the gears limbs sank the metal into her flesh. It was stopped as the metal torso piece reached bone. Her scythe clanked down beside her as she held onto the gear's carving and placed a hand on the limb digging into her. Nuada looked back to see her being crushed and deeply wounded. She cried out as the gear broke pass the first rib that held it from crushing her. Her body grew cold as her head began to spin. Everything came in two as she lost her blood and felt pain jolt through her being. Falling to his knees Nuada gripped for her body and tried to pull her free. This gave deep gashes along her ribs and she cried out more. Her head fell to the side as she felt the gear's limb dig deeper into her. Nuala dropped her blade and ran to Conjured's aid as well. She held onto Conjured's hand as she was slowly pushed from a gear's limb. Hellboy stood shocked by Nuada's pained expression.

"Shhh. It's going to be alright Conjured. Please stay with me." Nuala said softly as she brushed her fingers through the guardian's hair. Nuala felt tears stream past her eyes and down her cheeks as she watched her Guardian slowly die. She clung onto her more and bit back a sob.

"Please stay with me." Hellboy came up and yelled for Nuada and Nuala to move which they did. With a hard slam of his stone first the gear limb cracked. He through his hand down again and cracked it more until it fell. Only one limb remained and he was quick to break it. Before Conjured could fall Nuada grasped her and pulled her up into his lap. Her head fell into his shoulder as blood dripped past her lips. Purple veins of blood showed through her skin as she clung onto life. The thick violet liquid fell down Conjured's lips and past her chin. It stained her pale skin and tangled her long smoky grey hair and stained the white strips. Nuada moved the hair from her face and wiped a tear from her cheek.

"Conjured...." He choked. To watch the women he loved slowly slip into death broke him. His heart shattered and his mind whirled around in the loss. Conjured reached out to him took his hand that lay on her cheek.

"N-Nuada...." She whispered making more blood seep through her teeth. He choked and looked at her.

"L-Leave the humans-s.... T-They have done n-noth-thing to us... Please... C-Come back...." Her words met the elf's ears as he realized what he'd done. He drove his love into her death. He clung onto her and sobbed greatly. Nuala removed a small gem from her neck and lifted her brother's head.

"Brother... do you wish to give half of your being to Conjured so she may be whole with you again?" Nuada stared at the gem in his sister's hand. Conjured had gifted them both one of the gems and spoke of it's power. He pushed his sister's hand away and pulled out his own.

"Gem of Souls... I give my freedom for Conjured to be whole with me... She has saved my life from many battles and even the risk of my sister's fatality. Please give half of my being to her and let her rise again." The gem glowed and a golden force came from Nuada's chest and entered the gem. Once it blinked once Nuada placed it into Conjured's chest and watched as she gasped. He cried out in joy as she looked to him. Hugging the female close he sobbed.

"Your safe!" He sobbed softly into her shoulder. Conjured hugged her lover and looked to the others. Slowly she pulled away and stood up. Looking to Nuala and Hellboy she bowed her head softly.

"I wish to give my freedom for Nuada's Life. We will reside to the Island of my home and never leave until we are given the permission to leave. Nuada will never leave my side as we live. Please," Raising her head to Nuala she smiled and said.

"allow my mate to live..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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