Chapter 18

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It was a few days after my return home at Davenports', which for me was a lot of resting. I was going to get my stitches removed later today and work on training with the clutoniam crystal, so I was pretty excited to finally start getting my powers back, hopefully...

I was waiting in the lab with Leo and Davenport as the trio were on a mission. But soon enough Adam, Bree, and Chase came walking into the lab from their mission.

"Mission accomplished." Bree said with a smile on her face.

"Great job, guys! You saved that island from the biggest tropical storm in decades." Davenport told them.

"And lucky for you, I brought home a whole bag of hairy fruit." Adam said to us.

He dumped his bag over, and a bunch of coconuts went rolling off the counter and onto the floor. I gave him a look and said, "Hairy fruit down."

"Yeah, just be happy I made him put the pelican back," Bree said as Adam picked up a coconut and tried biting into it. I'm not even surprised.

"Guys, that mission was the finest use of bionics today! I think we can all agree that strength plus speed equals success," Davenport said. Adam and Bree high fived as Chase frowned. I couldn't help, but frown as well. Chase may not have super strength or super speed, but he was still helpful in his own smart way, at least that's what I noticed

But then again, what ever stopped me from noticing Chase?

"Uh, excuse me? Let's not forget the master mind behind the whole entire thing," Chase said

"Oh, right!" Adam said and a smirk grew on Chase's face, "Let's give it up for our fearless leader, Mr. Davenport!"

The smirk on Chase's face fell as Adam and Bree began to applaud for Mr. Davenport. He just smiled and high fived the two of them while I just crossed my arms. Chase has helped me through a lot lately, and it honestly sucked seeing him being left out. He deserves a lot more credit than they're giving him

"What?! No! I was talking about me! I supervised the whole mission!" Chase exclaimed

"Yeah, but I think we all know who did the heavy lifting," Adam said. We all just gave him a look and he continued, "I'll give you a hint. It starts with an 'A.' It ends with an 'M.' There's a big 'da' in the middle." We continued to look at him until he shrugged and smiled, "Alright, guys. It's me."

I rolled my eyes as I continued to watch Adam try to bite into a coconut. Chase said as he pointed to his temple, "Please! The real work happens up here."

Bree said, "Chase, no offense, but your bionic brain is no match for our hustle."

"And muscle," Adam added as he flexed behind Bree

"Oh, that is a great team name!" Davenport said excitedly as he began to point at each of them, "Hustle, muscle, and-" He pointed at Chase for a moment before saying, "Don't worry. We'll find you an 'ustle.'"

Chase groaned as he walked over to Davenport, "I am so tired of these two getting all the attention because they have super speed and super strength. I never get any of the credit!"

"That is not true, Chase! They just have a lot of flash, but you're the glue that holds that flash together. You're... flash glue," Davenport said to him

"I'm flash glue?" Chase asked unimpressed

"Hey, I think I figured it out!" Adam said randomly. He hit a coconut against his forehead and it cracked open

Bree and I couldn't help, but laugh as he said, "You're right, Chase! The real work does happen up there!"

Once Adam was down drinking out of the coconut, him, Bree, and Davenport went upstairs. I stayed down in the lab with Chase

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