Chapter 15

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Cams POV:
Me: someone please stop her pain
I said with tears in my eye
Me: your gonna be okay baby I love you
I shocked myself as that came out I don't think I ever said I love you to her yet but I truly do
Lilly:I-I-I- I love you too
She said in pain. They rushed her to a room with me following behind. They propped her up and checked to see how much she has dilated she was at 9 cm
Me: it's time my love
Doctor: ok miss white I need you to push
Lilly started pushing and screaming about 20 minutes of pushing precious yuki Lee Dallas was born weighing 5 lbs and 17 oz she's gorgeous

Lilly's pov
After delivering my precious baby girl I was tired and in pain but it was worth baby yuki is healthy and she has dirty blonde hair like me I smiled looking down at my little princess I looked over and saw cam staring at us I sat up slightly
Me: baby can you call the boys I need to see my other baby
Cam: I will right away
Like magic all the boys swarmed into my room I looked and saw my baby boy
Me: hi baby boy would you like to meet your baby sister
Noah: yes mama
He came up and sat at the edge staring at baby yuki
Noah: she's so pwretty what her name mommy
He asked as cam picked him up
Me:her name is yuki Lee Dallas, Matty come meet your daughter
I said to Matt he came up to me as I place yuki into his arms she started crying
Me: I think she hungry now everyone out so I can feed her
Everyone left so I can feed yuki it was just me and cam in the room as I fed her she was done so I burped her and laid her down on my chest as I drifted to sleep

Cams POV:
Yuki is so beautiful just like Lilly I love staring at my girls Noah wanted to be with Nash I wanted him to stay with me and Lilly but he was tired

Noah's POV:
Mommy and daddy just had a baby she's pwetty but I think mama will love her more than mwee

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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