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What the heck is happening right now?

"Hyung!" I shouted

"Oh Junmyeon nice timing eh?" Kris said.

"What do you mean?"

"Ah Junmyeon-ah he's my brother. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier" Yeoji said.

Wait, What?

"Oh I-I'm sorry I shouted at you hyung hehe"

OHMYGOSH! so Kris is my future brother-in-law hahaha!

"It's okay bro! Oh I forgot something. Byeee!"


"Aish. I really miss him" Yeoji said

"Of course he's your brother! Oh by the way do you want to sleep here?" I smirked.



"Okay, Don't worry I will not do anything to you *winks*"


"HAHAHA chill! I'm just kidding! HAHAHA"


I opened my eyes and saw my girl. She's so beautiful like an angel.

"Are you staring at me?" She asked

"Yes why?"

"Nothing" Yeoji smiled

"I love you"

"I love you too yeobooo hahaha eww"

"What?! Hey!"

She slowly opened her eyes and she..... kissed me.

"Hehehe I'm hungryyy"

"Aish. You're always hungry *pouts*"

"Hey don't do that! *pouts*"

Oh no.... she's pouting at me now. SHE'S SO DAMN CUTE!

"Aish you win! okay let's go somewhere"




HEYA GUYS IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME EH? HAHA SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THESE PAST FEW MONTHS... IM SO BUSY IM REALLY REALLY SORRY *bows 100x* I hope you guys understand. Thank youuuu for waiting and reading this story. Thank you very much. I love you guys.

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