It is hard to distinguish
Between who is smart,
Who is stupid,
And who believes anything:
It's quite simple, really.The smart one
Knows their own limits
And knows the limits
Of others.The stupid one
Could not tell you,
Even with a good guess,
If their best friend
Was depressed.The gullible one
Is both smart, and stupid,
Because they don't understand
The things they don't see,
But yet, they know
When something is wrong...
They don't even choose,
They just believe,
When you say,
"Nothing is wrong,"
Because they don't know better.But maybe they do.
Maybe that person picked
A lesser of two evils.
Maybe they knowing chose
To not know,
To keep themselves in the dark,
at least for now,
So that they could help
Their friend, when they need them
Most.You see, ignorance isn't always bliss.
Because sometimes ignorance means
Knowing about a problem,
And consciously ignoring it.This person, they are not gullible,
But maybe their friend actually needed them.
Because what if
Their friend didn't wake up
And it was you...What if it was you who last talked to them?
Would you be distraught?
I know I would
Because, just maybe, the lesser evil
Is darker than you thought. Because,
Just maybe,
your friend actually needed you.But where were you?
Where the fuck were you when they needed you?
They needed you
To push them
To see what they saw as the greater evil
As a friend.Mind you, this evil is not a person.
This evil, it is their subconscious.
But this doesn't make sense?
Or does it?
Because maybe, their subconscious
Can be reasoned with, and it can
Be persuaded,
But not actively.Maybe your persuasion
Is what saved them.
Maybe you wake up at 2 PM,
after a long night,
Because you were there.My friend, you saw both evils,
But you knew:
You knew you needed to be there,
For them,
Because no one else was.
And maybe that's okay,
for now.You were not ignorant.
You could have been.
You weren't.
You saved a friend.
So you tell me
Is ignorance
Always bliss?
Or is it
Sometimes bliss?|GMS|
PoetrySee title (whispers to self: "idiots") Seriously though, there may be touchy subjects in my works, so please be mindful, and if you're having a hard time with anything, talk to a friend. Thanks