Chapter 3

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Hello everyone. Happy Saturday. I am currently listening to Live While We're Young on replay and singing at the top of my lungs because every ones out of the house :). So, hope you enjoy. PS I know haven't stated where this takes place but i want to leave that up to you guys so this can take place where ever you want it too. OK on with the show!

Paige looked up from the book she was reading to see a boy with a big smile on his face across from her. He was soaking wet and his blue sweat shirt was practical black. His brown hair hung over his grayish blue eyes and he looked out of breath.

"Um, ok well let me just get you a application", she said and turned her back on the boy to grab a form from the filing cabinet behind her. She grabbed one and turned back to the boy and handed him a pen and the paper.

"Fill out this form and then i can give you an apron and name tag", she said and the boy looked at her confused.

"Um don't you know who I am?" he asked and Paige shook her head.

"Sorry no, did we go to school together?" she asked and the boy laughed.

"I doubt it, so you really don't know who I am?', he replied, putting a hand to his chest.

"No I don't, can you please stop asking me and fill out the form", she snapped and the boy held his hands up in defeat and started to fill out the form. When he was done with that he handed it back to Paige and she scanned it.

"Ok you seem to check out, I actually have a name tag already with your name on it", she informed him and grabbed him a red apron and went to the cabinet.

"Ah, here it is", she exclaimed and handed the boy the tag the said 'Lewis' on it. "I know you spell your name differently but it would save me money to not get another one made", she explained and the boy laughed a little.

"Actually my name is Louis, the s is silent", Louis explained and Paige shot him a glare.

"Ok Louis", she drawled out and went back to her book. She didn't know why but this boy seemed to annoy her.

"All you really have to do is clean the floor every afternoon and if a new shipment of books comes in stack them on the selves, You can also organize the back room. I work register and I'm the Owner, if you need anything ask", she told him, running through the ground rules.

"Um, when do you close shop?" he asked and she raised an eyebrow.

"At about six, you get one lunch break at anytime of your choosing and we open at 7, I expect you to be here at 8, got it", Paige explained and Louis nodded.

"Good, now get to work", she said and shooed him off.

The day went by pretty fast. Louis worked in the back room most of the time organizing old and new books that were due to be stacked or donated. After that he stacked a new shipment of books and magazines. While doing all this Paige sat behind the counter humming along to the radio and reading some unknown book. Louis keeped getting text from the boys asking where he was but he just texted back he was fine and on a walk. Around 5:45 he was sweeping the floors when one of their songs 'Live While We're Young' came on the radio. He tensed but slowly relaxed when he heard Paige softly singing along.

In a slip second he was next to her singing into the broom he was holding and she was laughing. They started to jump around and sing and dance along to the song. It was the most fun both of them have had in a while. As the song came to a close they both stood silent for a minute, looking at each other before falling on the floor laughing.

"That was so much fun!" Paige exclaimed through laughs.

"Your telling me", Louis said back and they both sat next to each other, leaning up against the counter, trying to catch their breaths.

"Hey, your a really good singer", Louis commented and Paige blushed.

"I usually don't sing in front of people, its just I love that song! Your a really good singer too, you kind of sing like one of the guys in that song", she said and Louis smiled a little.

"Thanks, but the guys in that band are all better than I am", he said and stood up, holding his hand up for Paige to take.

"Oh come on, hey who sings that song anyways, i never can remember", she said as Louis pulled her up.

"I think a band called One Direction, I heard they are performing down at the Concert Hall tonight", he told her, trying to act like he didn't really know.

"One Direction, they sound familiar, and I think I heard that too", she said while locking all the windows and closing the shop down.

"You really haven't heard of them, they are like wicked popular!", Louis exclaimed and Paige shrugged.

"I have heard their songs on the radio but that's about it. I don't go on the computer unless its at the library to order books and I don't own a TV so i don't really know their names or what they look like", she admitted and Louis nodded.

"I understand, i don't really get to go online or watch TV now a days either, I'm lucky if i even get to listen to the radio", he said as they exited the shop and Paige locked the door.

"Guess we have a lot in common", she said with a smile and Louis smiled back.

"I guess we do", he said and then they settled into a nice silence as they walked down over to where the bike rack was at the end of the street. Paige glanced at Louis and he glanced at her and smiled. She looked away and blushed.

'Maybe he isn't so bad', she though as she reached her bike.

"Well this is my stop", she said grabbing her bike and Louis went to say something before his phone went off.

"I have to take this", he said and started to walk in away.

"OK see you tomorrow", she called and he waved as he started to run in the direction of the Concert Hall.

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