Chapter 2

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Gracie's POV.

"Ma'am, wait here." A security guard says as he pulls Jess into a room alone. Great. Just great. Im now missing my chance to see my old best friend, Ashton Irwin. I haven't seen him in so long. We used to be inseparable. Tonight was my chance to finally see him, now I'm stuck here probably dealing with some issue with my ticket. "Ugh" I sigh.

Soon, the man steps out of the room, and takes my arm. He leads me to a door, "I have someone who has requested to see you," he says before motioning me inside and slamming the door behind me. I turn around. There, stands my childhood best friend. They person I told everything to. The person I relied on. The person I hoped to go to grade 8 grad with. The person I dreamed of going to prom with. But he left. I never saw him again. Ashton Irwin. "Grace." He said softly. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Ash." I sobbed, with more and more tears. I run to him and pull him into a long hug. Neither of us say a word. He holds me in his arms, for the first time in 6 years. "I missed you" He says, tucking my hair behind my ear. I cry more. I don't even have words to say, i just stand in his arms and cry.

10 minutes later, Jess, Luke, Calum, and Leah join us. Jess and Leah smile from ear to ear, both in tears of joy. I laugh with more tears running down my cheeks, and I run over to them. The boys follow. I wrap my arms around my girls for a few seconds before the boys join in. Exactly like the last group hug we ever had. 6 years ago. Calum pulls away, and our hug starts to deform. "If you don't mind, I'd love to spend some time with Leah. Alone." Cal said, glancing at Leah. "Yeah. Jess and I need to catch up on a few things. Like who you replaced me with after I left!" Luke joked, laughing. "You know I'd never replace you." Jess smiled at him. The four of them left the room, leaving just Ashton and I.

We sat down on the couch beside the door. He looked at me. "Are you mad?" He asked. "About what?" I replied, without making eye contact. "About everything. Me leaving. Me not talking to you. Me not saying a very good goodbye because I couldn't handle it without tears. About everything." He mumbled. "Ash. How could I be mad? Its not your fault you left. You did what you had to for your band and it turn out pretty well. You were probably really busy too. And even though you didn't say a very thoughtful goodbye, I know you cared." I said. "Thank you. I'll be right back. I gotta visit the loo." He said. I got up and wiped a tear, leaving me alone. A couple seconds later, the security guard walked through the door, taking a seat beside me. "What. The. Heck." He asked. "What is this? Why are you all crying. I get it. You used to be friends. But why is it so important that everyone is crying?" He asked. "Well. We were more than friends. Not in that kinda way. Let me tell you our story. If your up for it?" I eyed him. He checked his watch. "I got 45 minutes before my break is over. Take your time." He said.

"Okay. We met when we were 3. First day of Kindergarten. We both had no friends and He asked me, 'Do you wanna be friends?' And I said, 'I do, but you're a boy.' I had thought that only girls could be friends, i was wrong. 'Fine. I'll prove to you that I'm a good friend. I'll act like a girl for 10 days.' He then acted like a girl for me. He did everything like a girl. Used the girls washroom even! After 10 days of that, he asked, 'now are we friends? Did I prove to you?' I knew he'd be a great friend. 'Best Friends. Forever?' I made him make a promise. 'Forever.' He promised. And thats how we kinda got started. Still up for the rest of it?" I ask the security guard. "Sure." He said.

"Alright. We stayed best friends for each grade we went through. Every time we doubted each other's friendship, we asked, 'forever?' And the other would answer 'forever'. Cheesy right? We often did this when the other was in a relationship with someone. We did everything together. We were inseparable. He protected me, I protected him. In grade 3 or 4, my mom told me I needed more friends then just him. Thats when I started hanging out with Jess and Leah. They both had their best friends Luke and Calum. We all started hanging out together along with a boy Michael. We all became best friends, but we all had a special relationship with our original boy. Thats when the four boys started their band. They thought they wouldn't make it far, well look where we are now. Truth is, when we got to be around 10 or 11, I started having a small crush on him. But I couldn't decide if I wanted to date him and risk the chance of wrecking our friendship. I guess it didn't really matter when I heard he was moving away with his band, to try to become more popular. I checked my phone every day after that. We talked almost everyday, until they got real popular. Then he got busy and I only got a few texts here and there. Then Jess, Leah and I, became huge fans of One Direction and got tickets to see them. (The concert I'm missing right now.) We found out that Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael were opening for One Direction and... Here we are now."

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