Chapter 4

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Jess's POV.

*Tuesday morning*

My eyes fly open and the first thing that comes to my mind is him. The tall Australian boy who walked into my life once again. My best friend. Let me just say damn he got really hot. "What am i saying?" I ask myself. My stomach growls and i grab my phone to check the date. Tuesday... Tuesday? TUESDAY! Dinner! "Tonight is the night we will finally get to really hang out!" I think. But its dinner... Where are we going? I grab my phone once again and call Leah. "Leah where are we going to dinner?" I ask. "I cant remember the name but it sounded quite formal." She tells me. "Okay thanks! Ill pick you up at 5 okay?" I ask. "Yep!" She replies. Then we hang up.

"Its formal but not fancy so, what to where?" I ask myself. "Oh i know! My flower print black skater dress with my baggy white cardigan!" I think. "But i need shoes. No i need boots. My black wedge boots to be exact." I think. Then i get dressed. Then i apply my usual make-up: black mascara, white eye liner around my eye, brown eye shadow, my pink EOS, dark pink lipstick, and clear lip gloss. I eat my breakfast, do laundry, do my chores, eat lunch, take the dogs out for a walk, go on my phone for a while, and then before i know it its 4:55. Since I'm the only one home theres no one to say goodbye to, so i grab my Keys and head out the door.

I drive quickly to Leah's house. I see her through her window in her room. I get to the door and don't bother knocking i just walk in. I hear high heels clinking against hard wood floors. She makes her way down the stairs then walks over to me. "How do i look?" She asks with a grin on her face. "Awesome!" I reply. Shes wearing a navy blue skater dress with white stripes in the lower half. "Gracie was wondering if we could pick her up." Leah tells me. "Sure! But we better hurry because we don't want to be late!" I reply. "Okay! Lets go she says." "Wait. I haven't been to her new house yet. Because she moved last May right?" "Oh yeah! Its okay its near her old house, ill just give you the directions." She tells me. "Okay, now lets go." I say before heading out the

We drive almost to Gracie's old house but turn left instead of turning right. We pull up to two story house with blue siding on the upper level and rock on the main level. "Gracie said that this house is a tiny bit bigger but she has a smaller room. But she has a walk in closet so shes fine with it." Leah tells me. "Thats good."i say bluntly. Gracie walks through her front door with tight-ish black dress and silver toms on. "She looks good." I think. She gets in the back of my car than i drive towards the city. "i just got a text from Calum, one direction are also coming!" Leah says. "Oh okay." I reply. "Do you know what the actual name of the place is?" I ask. "Yeah its ummm. Its umm... Oh! Its sh-a-z-a-l-you." She says. "shazalue?" I ask. "Yeah!" She replies. "Okay..." I say.

We drive through the busy streets of new York city until we come across the parking lot for shazalue. We hop out of the car and head inside the restaurant. We see the boys and walk to their table. Tables. I sit in between Luke and Liam. Gracie sits in between Ashton and Niall. Leah sits in between Calum and Harry. We talk among our selves until we get our food. Everyone gobbles it up. But before Liam finishes i ask for a bite of his. He says its okay so i do. Its pretty good but not amazing. I talk with Liam and really get to know him. "I love his smile, his hair, and his voice." I think to myself. "Wait. Am i into him? No i cant be. Wow. I guess i am." I think to myself.

By the time every one is done dinner we have all of each others numbers. I hug Liam and Luke good bye then get in my car. Gracie and Leah soon fall into the car also. I quickly drive each of them to their houses then head to mine. When i get in my front door i take my shoes off then head upstairs. I drag my feet into my room then fall on my back on my bed. I grab my phone and see a text from Liam. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach tomorrow?" Liam asks. After a few minutes of thinking about it i text back "sure. Meet you at the beach just outside of the city at 12?" "Awesome!" He replies. And with that i turn my phone off and get ready for bed. Dress off. PJs on. Make-up off. "Sleeping mode activated!" i think as i lie in my bed. And with that i drift off.

When my eyes open all i can think about is Liam. "Thats different." i think. I look at my alarm clock and it reads 10:05. "Wait what?" I say out loud. "I better get a move on!" I say. I jump out of bed and walk into my closet. I go to the very end because thats where i keep my bathing suits. I pick out my Milly Neoprene white bikini. I walk over to the other side of my closet and grab black shorts and white crop top. I put on my bathing suit then put my clothes on top. I jog out of my big closet to my desk. I find my best waterproof mascara then apply it. Then I look to see if I have any messages on my phone. When I realize I don't, I place my phone on my desk and sit back to think about what I'm doing today. "Is it a date?" I ask myself. Then I get up and go down my slippery, hardwood, grand staircase. I eat breakfast, do some chores, and feed the dogs. I find myself taking out my black flip flops from the closet beside the front door. With my keys in my hand, I head for my car.

I pull into the parking lot 5 minutes early. When I get out of my car I see him leaning against the wooden fence outlining the pathway to the beach. "Man oh man does he look hot!" I think. He notices me and motions for me to join him. I jog over to him and he hugs me. The hug was quick, but a little to long for a "just saying hi" hug. We walk through the path then go right in front of the water. He lays 2 towels on the sand then sits on the one closest to him. I also sit down. I take out a book and start reading. I glance over at him and see him staring at me. "The way your staring at me gives me the hint your interested in me." I say confidently. "Wow! Pretty and smart!" He says with a smile on his face. "So I'm right?" I ask with a grin on my face. He tilts his hazard to the sky the. Replies,"I'm not really sure." We boy stay silent a few minutes. Then he gets up and asks,"want to go for a swim?" "Sure!" I reply. "Race you to where I can't touch!" I yell before sprinting into the water. While it's still shallow I leap over the waves but when the water gets up to my thighs it's harder to take my legs out so I dive into the cool, murky water. When I come to the surface I swing my right arm over my head and start to do front crawl/swim. I do that until I don't think I can touch. When I realize I can't touch I turn around starting to Fred water and watch Liam catch up to me. "Okay, pretty, smart and fast!" He exclaims. I blush then dive under water. It's blurry but I can see his legs kicking. So I swim under him then pop out of the water on the other side of him. Then he does the same to me. When he comes up I splash him then swim to where I can touch. I push all the air out of my lungs then sink to the bottom. I put my back against the soft, ripely sand and stare up at the surface. When my lungs start burning from lack of air, I push up then come up to the surface. I suck in a huge breath then walk onto the beach. I grab my towel and watch Liam emerge from the water. I tell him I have to go because I have dance. We hug goodbye then I get In my car and drive away from the beach.

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