Welcome to Neverland

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**This was an English assignment where I had to take a story and write in first person point of view... And Peter Pan is one of my favorite stories... So lemme know how it is**

"Peter, you're too irresponsible, so naïve. You need to grow up already!" My mother scolded picking up toys that scattered the floor. My mother tossed the toys in the toy chest and turned out the lights. Huffing before slamming the door and walking downstairs to go to a party with her husband. The dark room was lit with the moon in the night sky.

Tears silently ran down my face as my mother's words replayed in my head. I never want to grow up... I never want to be them, they're monsters. I couldn't be like them... ever. I climbed out of bed and changed into different clothes before running out the front door. I didn't know where I was going, all I know is it isn't far enough. It was raining and cold outside, the streets were lined with the black silhouettes of buildings. My shadow walked beside me being the only person I have now, leading me somewhere. Anywhere but here. After who knows how long I ended up in the park sitting on the cold stone path and leaning on a statue. My eyes began to grow heavy and before I knew it I fell asleep.

I woke up to a soft bell ringing next to me. When I looked over I saw a bright light causing me to squint until my eyes adjusted to see a small glowing girl with shining wings coming from her back. Her voice was like silver bells ringing when she asked for my name. She introduced herself as Tinkerbell.

"You are the one. We must leave at once. Before the sun rises." She announced placing her hands on her hips.

"Where are we going?" I asked wiping my face. Tinkerbell pointed towards the sky.

"See that star... The North Star. Second star to the right and straight on until morning. There's a land where magic exists... From children wishes and dream, and the first laugh of a newborn. Long ago the magic saved the land from the grownups poisoning the land. Creatures only found in children's imaginations were born. You never have to grow up... So come with me, where dreams are born and time is never planned." She explained smiling as she told the story.

"How do we get there?" I questioned curiously wanting to go.

"Fly of course! All you need is faith, trust, and a little pixie dust. Just think of a happy thought and keep that in your mind." Tinkerbell ordered as she flew around my causing gold dust to fall over me. Before I knew it I felt myself floating off the ground... I was flying, I was actually doing it. The city grew smaller before it was no longer seen. Soon I began to see an island of pure magic with a sea of the brightest blue. This place that I already feel at home... Where forever never ends and no one ever has to grow up.

Soon we were standing in soft sand as creatures surrounded us. Mermaids peaked out of the water and fairies flew from the trees.

"This is Peter Pan." Tinkerbell announced to the creatures. Whispers broke out among them all. "That's Peter Pan." "He's the one that will save us" "She found him..."

Tinkerbell hushed them all before saying "Peter Pan, welcome to Neverland." as they handed me a small dagger as the crowds erupted in cheers.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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