Joe- Thirty One

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"Can you believe this time next year we'll be married on our honeymoon?" Dianne asked, leaning against him, as they watched the pre-recorded first show on catch up, having been at a launch party for the actually thing.

"Mental, I'll be thirty two, that's crazy. Are you going to stay doing strictly? You said to me like way back when that you thought you'd finish after 5 years." Joe said, clapping as the opening dance finished.

"I'm not sure. Like our honeymoon is in time for me to carry on next year. But I'm still not sure." Dianne explained, "but if not it'll be the year after because I'm hoping we'll have a little baba the year after."

"Fingers crossed, well as you know, I'll support you through it all." Joe kissed her head.

"Imagine our little baby in your arms, I'm so broody, like you know I've always wanted a baby but like I want a BABY," Dianne reiterated, twisting her ring around.

"Like before the wedding?" Joe asked, he was feeling the same way but how soon, he wasn't sure, that was up to Dianne, it was her body.

"Mm, no, but like soon after. I mean we could have a baby before the wedding but let's be realistic, I don't want to be 6 months pregnant or whatever at my wedding. No, I think after the wedding a baby would be wonderful." Dianne thought aloud, laying on him more.

"Okay, sounds like we might be getting freaky on the honeymoon." Joe teased, bringing some lightness into the conversation.

"I mean I think we would be getting freaky anyway but maybe without the protection." Dianne said, shaking her head.

Joe laid his hands on Dianne's stomach, "one day, there's going to be a baby in this belly and it's going to get bigger," he lifted his hands up as if they were resting on a bump, "and bigger," higher again, "until there's a baby," he mimed holding a baby.

"What, its going to grow like this?" Dianne asked, pulling her top up and breathing out to make it so her normally flat stomach was rounder.

"Oh my gosh, that's mental, are you okay?" Joe asked, rubbing her expanded belly.

"Well I have my period and a food baby so that's half of it. And the rest is just air." Dianne explained, after she had stopped laughing. She sat up and turned to him, "babe, babe, you try please?"

Joe shook his head but slid a bit down so he wasn't upright. Dianne rolled his top up and patted his relatively toned stomach, though it wasn't as tight as it was back in the day, then started cry laughing as Joe expanded his belly.

"What the fuck are we doing?" She said through tears of laughter.

"I have no idea, we were having a tender moment like 2 seconds ago about how we'd have a baby and be parents and now you're trying to make me look pregnant." Joe said, pulling her down onto him, their exposed stomachs on top of one another.

"It's what makes us special," Dianne kissed him before rolling away because Hugo had got out of bed to see what all the commotion was, and was now alternating between licking Joe and Dianne's faces.

"I love you," Joe said to her, as he stroked Hugo.

"I love you too and I'm excited for out future." Dianne said, laying on her side next to him.

"Me too. I'm excited to be a Dad."

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