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The words repeated over and over again in my head as I stood in the bathroom staring at myself in the mirror. My long blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun and mascara was running down my face with the tears that steadily streamed down my cheeks.

"OLIVIA." I heard being yelled from down the hall. I wiped my face, composed myself and walk towards where my name was being yelled from.

"Yes." I spoke quietly as I approached my father and mother in the living room.

"I need another drink." my father hissed. I complied grabbing his cup and walking to the kitchen.

"Not like you could walk 5 feet to get your own drink." I mumbled under my breath, making sure not to be too loud that my parents hear me. I pour my father another drink or whiskey and pop, more whiskey than pop. That's how he likes it. I take it back to my father and set it next too all the drug paraphernalia all over the table.

"Thanks little whore. Now go clean something or be a slut somewhere else, you make me eyes burn." my so called father snarked.

Without saying a word i back out of the living room and too my room shutting the door and laying on my bed, which was literally just a twin mattress on the floor.




Kill yourself

The words kept flooding into my head, one right after another. All the words my father has called me and my mother has just let him. The last one lingering in my head. Kill yourself. Sounds. So relieving. So... freeing. I look over too my left and saw the bottle of pills sitting on the floor. I stared at them for what felt like ages before I drifted off into a deep sleep.

"OLIVIA." I heard being yelled which startled me awake.

"Yeah." I yawned as I walked out of my room and as soon as I exited my room I was pushed back into my room, fell and then everything went black.

Owwwww. My head is like pounding. I opened my eyes too find myself lying in my bed. Why does my head hurt so much? All of a sudden everything came back to me. My dad pushing me, me falling and me hitting my head.

"You could have killed her." I hear my mother yell.

"I should've." I hear my father yell and then a door slam.

I can't live like this anymore. I just can't. I grabbed a duffel bag and started shoving all my clothes in it, which isn't a lot might I say. I grabbed my laptop and my camera that I keep hidden from my father and placed it in the bag and closed it. I grab my phone and call on uber to pick me up down the street. Now just to sneak out without my parents, mainly my father, seeing me. I looked out my window too see that my dads 97 ford mustang was gone. I then opened my door too see if I could hear where my mother was. Once I opened my door I heard her bedroom door close and shortly after the shower in their bathroom turn on. "This is going to be easier than I thought." I whispered too myself. I turned around, grabbed my bag and head for the door. Once I was out to front door, I started off down the street, once I got to the end of the street my uber had pulled up.

"Hello." I greeted my uber driver, whose name I believe was Jessica, at least that's what the app said.

"How are you doing on this lovely evening?" She asked as she started driving towards my destination.

"I'm good. How are you?" I faked smiled.

"I'm pretty good." She responded. The rest of the ride was silent besides the music quietly playing from the speakers. Shortly after we arrived at my destination.

"Thank you so much." I smiled as I exited the white sedan.

"You're very welcome honey, have a nice trip." Jessica responded before driving off.

I turned around and looked at the massive building in front of me before taking a deep breath and walking in and towards the desk.

"What can I do for you today?" The older man behind the desk asked. I looked at the board behind him for a few moments before responding to him.

"I need a ticket to California." 

New Adventures | Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now