Chapter Eighteen: The Sacrifice

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"All right. This'll be the same as last time." Lukus said as he cracked his knuckles. "I'll finish you in seconds." Six eyes began to glow through Spectral's mask as Lukus's irises began to glow red.

"I see you're still as cocky as ever." Solus, the Creator said with a smile as he began to walk towards Lukus. "Last time you did defeat me, yes. But now I'm stronger, and there are two of me."

"That's not even fair." Gwen said as she began to walk towards Lukus. "Guys, we have to help him!"

"Not so fast!" Brix and Bora, the Inheritors, said as they blocked the way. The rest of the Inheritors joined them as they began to advance on the Spiders. "We want to have our fun also!"

"Two on one? Fine by me." Lukus said as he disappeared, reappearing behind Solus the Creator, drawing his fist back. "It'll be the same as last time, but twice as fun."


Location: Vurmia

"Get up, brother." Jennix said as he shook Daemos's shoulder. Groaning, the Creator slowly sat up as he rubbed his head.

"What? Where am- Where's the spider?" Daemos asked as he looked around wildly.

"He's gone, but we got him and the other Spiders right where we wanted them." Jennix said as he held up a small remote. "One press of the button and the whole place goes down. The Inheritors can have their fun... when the building is burning to ashes."

"I like the sound of that." Daemos the Creator said with a smile as he looked at the other Creators. "Time to show the true creators of the ultimate multiverse."


Location: The Lab, Earth-45

"You're stronger, I'll give you that." Lukus said as he smirked, raising his fists as Solus the Creator stumbled back. "But I've gotten stronger as well. You're going to need to do more than that, my friend."

"Hah! You think I'd really be going all out right at the start?" Solus the Creator asked as he slammed his fists together, green energy beginning to build up. Letting out a shout, the tiles beneath Solus's feet cracked as he launched himself towards Lukus. At the last moment, he stepped aside, leaping over Solus as his fist glowed red.

"Too slow." Lukus growled before he slammed his fist into Solus's back, sending him crashing into the ground. "When will you learn to not underestimate me?"

"Watch your feet." Solus growled as he grabbed Lukus's foot, throwing him into the ground. Slowly standing up, Lukus rubbed his mouth as he spat some blood onto the ground. "All right, now I'm pissed."

"I don't remember them being this strong." Gwen said as she dodged Brix's lasso and fired webs at Bora.

"It definitely has something to do with Kingpin." Miles said before the realization hit him. "Hey, where is Kingpin?"

"We didn't have a use for him anymore. He's served his purpose." Morlun said plainly.

"What?" Miles asked, dumbfounded. Sure, Kingpin was a villain and all, but this wasn't right. "So you just throw people away once you're done with them?"

"Yes." Morlun said as he approached them. "They're only pawns in the plan, the plan for the greater good."

"But they're human beings!" Miles shouted. "Kingpin is, everyone is. They shouldn't be tossed away like they're trash. They shouldn't have to worry about some random space family threatening to destroy everything."

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