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my name is [corrupted] bu people call me medkhal i'm an 18 year old student but i have an height of 15 year old, i came to this school to learn and control my powers.....also so i can see hot girls

my first day at this high school was normal i keep analyzing people to see their personality ,especially girls,and i hate when people keep judging you for nothing like i herd some people in my class keeps judge me as a weirdo or a lonely virgin....yes a lonely virgin why you ask? i don't know....

they  even criticize my looks and my outfit,i usually wear a black t-shirt and blue jeans and i have a mask that is attached to me from birth,i also wear a cap so i can feel cool and don't feel like a worthless kid in the community, also i was born with this weird glove hands thing they are blue but the nails are sharp enough to cut through steel i usual just transform them to a soft materiel at will

"*sight* i hate being here."...that what i said until i met HIM

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