Roli is grown up

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Roli POV:

I realised something strange...

I told my mother about it...

She expressed happiness and guided me to handle it...

I felt it so strange happening & felt disgusting...

But my mother explained its natural for any girls who attain that age...

I was more alarmed when she said it will be repeated every month from now on...

OMG.. what the hell is this... 

My mom told me to take leave for 3 days and i was inside house without even going out to play...

I thought its the restriction of those 3 days alone...

But no... Later my close relatives came home...

Every individual ladies of my relation came to me...

'you are no more kid.. you are grown up now.. you should know how to behave with others...' one said...

'You should not mingle with boys anymore... you should stay away from them...' another said...

'You should not let anyone touch you... specially strangers for sure... you should be careful...' another said...

'This society is very bad who used to be behind girls of this age.. so be cautious even when going to school...' this is another...

'Meena.. why cant you get her married soon...' this was the ultimate wordings gave such shock to me...

Marriage.. Me.. i am just 15 now... i wonder...

'She is just 15.. Let her complete her studies then we will...' my mother said giving me relief...

'I really cant understand today trend... you know i got married even before i attain my age... I was just 11 when my marriage happened... now you people hesitate to get your daughter married even after she attain the age...' same old relation expressed...

I was thinking.. what at age of 11 she got married.. what the hell is this...  

I was looking at my mother reply but she just shared a smile,.,,

'If you are interested tell me.. i got some alliances known to me from good family.. i can refer them for Roli...' another old lady continued...

'I will let you know once we decided about her marriage...' my mother answered...

Whats happening yaar... whether to feel bad about these irritation physical change or all these which is giving more irritation to me...

Different sort of advises... opinions... suggestions... all continued till all left our house...

I was just waiting for all of them to go out of house to rush to my mother...

I just hug her tightly and started crying...

'Why all of them are talking like this mom???' i asked her...

'Its all usual for girls Roli... after attaining age they will be giving such advise so that you can be cautious and careful with strangers... its all for your safety only...' she explained...

'But mom.. they are talking about my marriage...' i expressed...

'They are old Roli who got married in such small age.. thats why told like that.. but did i agreed for that.. dont worry we will get you married only after you finish your studies... ' she clarified which gave breathe of relief to me...

I went to my room and started studying as my exams are nearing...

But the words those relations spoke was around my mind...

Why i should be cautious... why i should be careful...

Why i should get married.. its all because of that physical change which i hate to the core...

I felt bad to take birth as girl itself to face all these...

Already i am living with so many restrictions...

Now its clear new set of restrictions are going to be implement on me...

Yes.. it happened...

I stopped going to play with my friends too...

I was restricted to talk to boys even if they are neighbor and known to me since long...

I need to reach home on time and not even few minutes of delay in reaching home can be accepted...

I cant go out without dupatta on me...

Much more.. much more...

I felt everything as frustrating...

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