Sid agreed to her condition

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Siddhant POV:

I was surprised hearing something like that from her...

I thought may be i didn't hear her properly...

I asked her to repeat again...

'You know my cousin.. she is telling you will touch me if you marry me... i told her i wont marry if you touch me...' she said confirming what i heard is right...

I dont know what will be the reaction of any guy if in my place hearing that...

May be might have thought who will marry such girl who is not going to allow her husband to even touch her...

May be might have thought that she is mad or innocent to tell that...

May be might have thought good that atleast now its known how crazy she is to marry...

But i didn't got any of these.. instead i looked into her eyes for her expressions...

I can see tears trying to gather on her eyes...

I wonder what is bothering her...

But i also wonder whether she will share with me what is bothering her as it should be something personal to her...

'Whats your name???' i asked her though i know... just to ease her...

'Roli... tell me you wont touch me right...' she was so keen to get her point clear... pouting...

I can only see a innocent girl standing with a blinking eye like a kid in front of me... with a pout...

I felt like just pulling her towards me and hug tightly...  Also place some kisses on her pouting lips...

I just smiled...

'What will you do if i tell yes or no???' i asked reading her expressions...

'If you tell 'yes' then i will marry you... or if 'no' then i wont marry you...' she clarified...

'Why it is so???' i asked to know her reason...

'Why means... i dont like anyone.. specially guys touching me.. infact i didn't joined college because a guy was trying to touch me in the bus... i dont want to hear comments or scolding or beat from neighbor or mother for something which is no mistake of mine...' she said with tears rolling from her eyes...

Now i realised she had some bad experience in the past to say that...

Her words clarify that she got bad comments, scolding & even someone beat her for no mistake of her... which she registered inside her mind...

Now i really wanted to hug her and console her that i am there for her and no one can make any harm to her...

I infact forward my hand to wipe her tears while i took back thinking of not taking any chances of her telling 'No' to this marriage...

Yes... i madly fell in love with her now...

I really loved her for her innocence...

I wish to heal the wound inside her heart & mind... with all my love..

"Roli... i wont touch you without your wish or consent... you got it...' i said...

She got a smile on her face hearing that...

'Now wipe your tears.. i should not see you with tears anymore... you should smile now for me...' i expressed...

Yes she wipe her tears and smiled looking at me...

'Thats like a good girl... Now are you happy...' i asked...

She nod her head as acceptance...

'Roli... will you marry me.. Do you like me...' i asked her and badly wish to hear a positive reply...

She slightly blushed and nod her head positively...

I felt like not on the floor and was on cloud nine in happiness...

Roli POV:

Finally we came to terrace to talk...

I asked him what i wanted to...

Yes i told him clearly that i dont want him to touch me after marriage...

I prayed to God that he should accept for that...

Yes... if he denies then i need to tell my parents that i cant marry him...

I dont know whether my parents will even consider my wish for this marriage or not...

Moreover.. Yes... somewhere i wanted him to be my husband...

Anyway my parents are going to get me married to someone... Then why not this guy...

He is looking handsome as well as he was patiently hearing my wish of not to touch me...

He finally agreed and i got really relief from the tension i got...

When he asked whether i will marry him.. i like him... what to tell him...

Yes i do... What more i want when he agreed to what i asked for...

I nod my head as acceptance...

He was excited and of course... i was excited too...

I looked at him while he looked at me as well...

The cool breeze passed us disturbing the bunch of hair which fall on my face disturbing...

He forward his hand while my heart beat increased...

Is he trying to touch me??? while he just accepted that he wont touch...

No... he didn't...

Instead he touch the hair bunch and tug the hair gently it behind my ears...

I smiled...

OMG... the look... the sharp look of his eyes...

I cant withstand it anymore...

I just rushed out from there while i realised he is coming behind with the foot steps...

I went near my mother and hide me behind her...

He went back to the chair where he was sitting earlier...

He gave his acceptance to elders while my parents were very much excited...

I slightly lift my face and looked at him through my mother's shoulder...

I thought of seeing him secretly but i didn't escape from his eyes which again struct with mine for a while...

I blushed & down my eyelids...

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