(WHWY) part 2: it seemed like a good plan

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It did not take long before Jackie caught up to his elder brother.  Johnathan ran and he followed eventually they both got tired and rested next to the river.

“Why can’t I go.”

“Mother explained why already big brother.”

“I know that.  I could be an animal tribe member too though; why doesn’t anyone believe in me.”

“I believe in you.”


“It’s true you're my strong big brother that protects and watches over me.  And I’m your cute cheerful little brother that everyone loves.”  Jackie beamed proud of his statement.

“You little brat are you saying that everyone likes you more than me.”

“No.  It’s not like I’m more friendly and likable.” He replied sticking his tongue out.

“You are saying that!” Johnathan snapped as he tried to attack the little one and they both rolled around the ground and the angry voices were replaced by laughter soon after.

After their fight the two boys sat next to the stream, and through rocks in.  It was silent until Johnathan finally said what was on his mind.

“Why don’t we follow dad and his team?”  He finally proposed.

“But wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

“Naw, we can shadow them, and when they need help will appear, save the day, then father and mother will praise us.” Johnathan stated proudly.

“Do you really think so,” Jackie relied his blue eyes shining, “what’s the plan big brother?”

“Well we will return home, pack our bags when mother is asleep, leave to the front of the main village, wait for father and his group to appear, then we tail them.  Simple plan that can’t possibly fail. And if we’re lucky we might see a demon.” He explained.

“Yeah it is…….but I don’t think it is a good idea it could be dangerous.” Jackie muttered his voice full of worry.

“Don’t worry about it your big brother will be there to protect you and nothing bad will happen.  Will be near dad and there only checking up on a rumor what could possibly go wrong.” Johnathan stated folding his arms across his chest with confidence only for his and his younger brother’s stomachs to start growling loudly.

“Okay, but we can’t go on an adventure on an adventure.” Jackie beamed jumping of the stump he was sitting on and walked slowly to his brother who had stood up, “can you carry me I’m tired?” He asked reaching his small arms up to Johnathan.

“Fine,” Johnathan huffed as he bent down to let the smaller boy onto his back, “as compensation you have to give me your desert.”

“That’s fine do you wanna play the letter game.” He asked to the boy carrying him who nodded in return.

“You know the rules name a word from the letters I say but it can’t be the same as from the last time we played lets begin. A.”





The two continued playing the game until they returned home and sat down at the table.

There mother asked what they had done and they just said they played hide n seek in the woods.

“Is that all you two did?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes!” Her children both chimed in unison and started to fight over desert.  She began to laugh at her children's anticis only for them to get cut short by a coughing fit.

“Mother are you ok.” Jackie asked as he ran over to her.

“Here have some water.” Johnathan offered, she took it and the coughs slowly subsided.

“Are you okay mother you should rest we’ll handle cleaning up.” Johnathan said.

“No, it’s fine it is just a cold.” She replied.

“No, that is even more reason for you to rest.”

“Yes, you should rest mother.”

“For your health.”

“Like I said I can handle cleaning up for you.”

“Now, now you two settle down. You both are growing boys you need to think about your own rest its you twos bed time anyway.”  She remarked.

“But mother.” They both replied in unison.

“No buts. It warms my heart that I have such kind boys and it gives me the energy I need.  You two go to bed.”

Johnathan and Jackie both glanced at each other and sighed in defeat.

“Good night mother love you.” They beamed as they hugged her and ran to their rooms.

“I love you too my little ones.” She chimed after them as she began to clean up the table.

Johnathan and Jackie laid in the small bed they shared waiting patiently for their mother to go to sleep so that they could begin the working of their plan.  The time seemed to pass slowly and they both drifted to sleep.  Johnathan was the first to wake and shook his younger brother.  Who slowly woke up sluggishly.

“What is it brother?”

“Did you forget about the plan mother has to be asleep lets pack our stuff leave a small note and go.”

“But I’m so comfy.” Jackie whined as he tried to return to sleep.

“Fine, be like that I’ll just leave by myself.” Johnathan retorted before leaving their room tiptoeing around the house to the kitchen where he started to prepare his and Jackie’s bags.  Jackie laid for a few minutes before he gave up and followed in his brother’s footsteps.  

After they had finished packing and leaving a note they left the small house.  The sky was quite dark as they wondered to one of the main roads that led to the main village.  Once they arrived they sat inside a bush and waited patiently each taking his turn to sleep and watch for their father’s arrival.     

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