(WHWY) part 5: Blood, Death, and Nothingness

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 AN: This chapter has blood and character death in it.

The two boys were instantly hit by the strong smell of iron it was so powerful it made them retch.  As they looked up at the clearing they saw it.  A giant cat bigger than their house.  It had a light brown gold coat, a long tail with a tuft of dark brown fur at the tip, and dark brown speckles; but what was almost as shocking as its size were the two long fangs that protruded from its mouth that had spots of red on them.  The large feline turned its head and gave the two young boys a once over with its gold green eyes.  A shiver ran down their spines as the creatures lips curled up showing its rows of sharp teeth that accompanied its two long fangs giving it the appearance of a smile.  

“What are you kids doing here?!” A man that Johnathan remembered that would come over reprimanded them.  “Get out of here its dang-” The man’s words were cut short as the creature snachted him up into the air, shook him about and tossed him like a rag doll.  They watched in horror as blood splattered and at the mans now broken body.

The beast lifted up its paw retracting its long black claws and slashed at the two children in their state of shock.

“Boys are you okay? Johnathan, Jackie?” A voice called out to them pulling them out of their state to see their father; his dark black hair was matted, and his blue eyes were full of worry.  “We need to get out of here! Look at he.” He stated making the boys take their eyes of the dead bodies that were scattered around the clearing.   

“What about the monster?” Johnathan asked looking over his father's shoulder to see the beast flailing about a nasty gash was across its eyes yet steam was pouring out of the wound.

“It’s healing fast we need to escape while we have the chance.”  Their father said as he tried to stand but winced and grabbed his side which was stained red.

“Your hurt.” The boys shouted.

“It’s fine. All that matters is that I need to get us out of here alive.  I love you both.  Now lets esc-” He was cut off as he coughed up blood. “Damn so it had an owner.” He mumbled.

“Father, Daddy, what’s wrong!” Johnathan and Jackie cried in unison.

“How dare you hurt my cat.  I guess those brats will work for compensation.”  A man with sandy blonde hair and grey eyes sneered as he pulled out a sword.  There father pulled a knife out of his back.

“I love you and your mother always remember that.”  He lovingly whispered as he pulled his young sons into his arms.  “Now run as fast as you can, no buts; Johnathan protect your little brother and mother you're the man off the house now.”

“But fath-”

“NO BUTS!  Now go I’ll hold them back as long as I can back up will be here soon.  NOW GO!”  He boomed as he picked up to swords from his fallen comrades and slowly walked toward the man and monster.  

“We love you dad don't die!” They sobbed as they ran through the woods.  Behind them a various sounds of noises could be heard and fading.  They kept running until the air tasted of copper and there hair stood up a loud crash like thunder sounded behind them.  They were sent flying through the air with tree branches, debris, and splinters.

As the ringing in his stopped Johnathan shaking got back onto his feet.  He was covered in small gashes from head to toe and his head felt like it was splitting.  Jackie! He thought as he looked around the mess of tree branches and debris.  He spotted a small hand sticking out of a pile of branches.  Johnathan started unbury Jackie.

“Big brother my side hurts.”  Jackie cried tears in his blue eyes.

“You're going to be fine and so is father.  He’ll catch up to us any moment.”  Johnathan replied trying to put on a brave face.

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