Chapter 3

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Jimin: you turn me on...

Y/n: s-stop

Jimin went closer. I close my eyes.


I open my eyes

Jimin:*laugh* you should've saw ur face

I hit him

Y/n: don't mess with me!!!

I ran into my room. I lean on the door.

Y/n: what wrong with me?!

I change into clothes. Few hours has pass and I was still up. I head downstairs to see Jimin on the couch sleeping.

Y/n: yah... why are you sleeping on the couch -soft-

I sigh and went to grab a blanket and put it over him. Then I hear crying. I turned around to see him in tears.

Jimin: please don't leave me....

Y/n: Jimin....

I caress his cheek gently until he clams down and he did. I got up and leave but I felt a hand on my risk. I look and it was Jimin holding on. He pulls me to him and he opens his eyes. I never been this close to him

Jimin: stay with me...please

Y/n: ok....

Mind:what is this side of Jimin?

He hugs me and he slowly falls back to sleep.


I woke up next to Jimin.

Y/n: he still asleep

I gently move and shake Jimin alittle

Y/n: yah... Jimin wake up we have school

Jimin: *groans*


He got up


Y/n: come on we have school, so wake your ass up right now

Jimin: ok ok I'm up

I went to my room and change into my clothes I'm gonna wear today. I walk downstairs and I see Jimin

Y/n: I thought you left

Jimin: I was waiting for you

Y/n: why?

Jimin: to take you to school, duh

Y/n: ok

We left and I got into his car. We arrived. When I got out Jimin came next to me and held my hand.

Y/n: what-

Jimin: if we are gonna fake this relationship we have to make people think we are dating for real

Y/n: wasn't kissing me yesterday enough believeable

Jimin: well still

I roll my eyes


We walk in the school holding hands while other people were looking. Then we got to my Locker. Jimin puts his hand on my side

Jimin: ok baby i see u later

Y/n: k bye

He peck my lips while my eyes widen. He walks away. Then I got slammed to the lockers

Rose: Listen here! You stay away from Jimin and your life won't be a living hell! He is mine!

I turn her around and slammed her against the locker

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