Chapter 6

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Y/n: yah

I push him alittle back

Y/n: I'll be here

Jimin: promised

Y/n: promised

I peck his lips. He smiles

Jimin Mind: why can't I tell you how I feel...

It's the next morning. I felt arms around my waist. I turned around slowly and I see Jimin face. I smiled at him cuz he looked so cute. He opens his eyes sleepy

Jimin: good morning Y/n

Y/n: good morning

I get up

Jimin: what you doing

Y/n: getting ready

Jimin: for what?

Y/n: today is the last day and we need to pack cuz we're leaving tmr morning

Jimin: oh okay

Me and Jimin got ready and head downstairs. Jungkook came to us

Jungkook: Goodmorning love birds

Y/n: Goodmorning oppa

Jimin: good morning

Jungkook went pass us.

Teacher: ok class today we get to do anything. Do what ever you want

Rose: teacher

Teacher: Yes?

Rose: I've invited someone, if that okay with you. Cuz since she going to our school soon

Teacher: oh that's fine

Rose: she actually here

Teacher: let's me her

Rose: okay come out

I saw a girl walking next to Rose. I didn't notice but Jimin open widen

Rose: meet Irene

Irene: hello

She smiles. She was beautiful than me. I look at Jimin and his eyes was widen. I had a bad feeling in me. I didn't notice but I squeeze his hand. He looked at me.

Teacher; okay class go do whatever you guys want

Everyone left. Jimin let's go of my hand

Jimin: I'll be back

Y/n: o-okay

I see him head to Rose and Irene. My heart aches. Then someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and it was him....



Jimin: yah! What is she doing here?!

Irene: Jiminie don't you missed me

Jimin; shut up!

Rose: just bringing an old friend

Jimin; I warned you!

Rose: if you tell everyone that thing and I'll tell Y/n about your relationship with Irene and how you kissed her while you and Y/n was together. I have the proof

Jimin: you-

Rose: -smirks- nah ah, deal

Jimin: you better not show her!

I walked away


My heart shatter

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